
Job claiming erratic in Mac development

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It was working perfectly on my Mac in development, claiming jobs as they were submitting, but now in the console where I've executed bundle exec rake solid_queue:start, it stopped indicating "Claimed job.." and my jobs are not being picked up, unless I ctrl-c the console and restart, then it immediately picks up the job.

Sometimes, after retriggering and running a job, if I immediately issue another job request, it will pick it up automatically.

No issues in production.

I've removed the solid_queue.yml config file to go with the defaults. Using solid_queue 0.3.0. This issue cropped up after updating to this version.

Sounds like you might fill the wrong queue?

Using all defaults, no queues other than "default". It works in production. It also works on restarting the queue. I'm still observing this, and trying to ascertain that there aren't other issues occurring.

Closing this issue. Suspect there is something else going.