
Console not showing on error page

Ben-Owen-3183 opened this issue · 4 comments

On newest master the error console does not show in the error page anymore.

No errros in browser console

No errors in rails terminal.

This is probably because of Rack 3 incompatibilities. The console isn't rendered because it thinks the content-type isn't html.

It looks like this has been fixed already.

Switching my Gemfile to gem "web-console", github: "rails/web-console", branch: "main" brings it back.

Can we cut a release?

That doesn't fix the issue. It actually make it worse since now that code doesn't work with Rack 2.x. That is the problem OP was talking about. With gem "web-console", github: "rails/web-console", branch: "master" on the gemfile of an existing Rails application, the console doesn't work anymore. So if I do a new release it will break existing applications.

Oh! My bad 😅 I misread and assumed OP had the same issue I had, running Rails edge with older console not the reverse.

I'll try to take a look at it this week if no one gets to it first.