Cannot hide the select box in a `has_one` field
vpereira opened this issue · 1 comments
vpereira commented
Hello RailsAdminTeam!
I'm having some issues trying to remove the select box from a form for a model with a has_one
I have two models:
Class Repository
has_one :tag_filter
edit do
field :tag_filter do
inline_edit false
inline_add false
formatted_value do
bindings[:view].link_to 'Edit Tag Filter',
bindings[:view].rails_admin.edit_path(:tag_filter, bindings[:object].tag_filter.try(:id))
Class TagFilter
belongs_to :repository
What I'm trying to achieve:
(just worked when passing a partial to the field, but then somehow I cannot trigger the modals correctly)
What I have today:
There is any solution for that? I want to avoid users mistakenly connecting their repository with a wrong tag_filter, but I'm not sure how to make it work.