
Feburary 19th and 20th SF RailsBridge workshop @Dev Bootcamp

Closed this issue · 1 comments

A few months out:

  • Find a venue and sponsor for the workshop: DevBootcamp
  • Find co-organizers and start going through the workshop cookbook: from Dev Bootcamp
  • Find co-organizers from RailsBridge Volunteers and start going through the workshop cookbook:

Once we have a venue/sponsor and organizers, we can:

  • Set a date that works for everyone.
  • Set an RSVP limit that works for everyone
  • Post the workshop to Bridge Troll
  • Post the workshop to Meetup if we don't get enough volunteers from BridgeTroll alone.

One to two weeks out, we can:

  • Order babysitter (no childcare this time)
  • Order breakfast
  • Order lunch
  • Find a good place for the afterparty

After the workshop, we can:

  • Party!
  • Retro
  • Expense anything that Instacart doesn't cover

Workshop is done, so closing this issue.