
Please, take care with everyone else's files

paulodiovani opened this issue · 3 comments

I have just noticed the Novo Hamburgo event page was reverted to a previous version.

The changes were made on commit 9c9e784, by @hayleyavw and on commit 8841a01, by @tekin.

I also noticed that commit f703586, by @RailsGirls-Kraljevo and commit 3d18928, by @hsbt have changed a lot of file modes (from 0644 to 0755, this basicaly makes everything executable). This is problably due to FAT filesystems.

I have fixed the page on #918, but I don't know if any other pages were changed.

Please, take more care with changes...

  1. When doing a revert check every file before commit
  2. Do not commit directly do master, open a pull request to review changes, even if you're the one who'll accept it (usualy is better to let other person does that)
  3. Windows users, prefer to set git config --global core.fileMode false to prevent filemode changes.
tekin commented

Urgh, I thought I was fixing a problem of lost changes caused by 9c9e784, my apologies.

hsbt commented

Thanks for your summarize.

Do not commit directly do master, open a pull request to review changes, even if you're the one who'll accept it (usualy is better to let other person does that)

I protected master branch from contributors without owner grants.

@hsbt Please, accept #918