
Renaming wallets needs a redesign

aspiers opened this issue · 0 comments

In general I find that Rainbow has way better UX than notable competitors. However I've noticed a few areas where it has significant room for improvement. One is renaming wallets, which I find incredibly painful. Currently the process is:

  1. Click the current wallet's dropdown or press w to get a list of all wallets
  2. Scroll down to find the wallet you want to rename
  3. Click the icon to the right of the wallet (with three dots in a circle)
  4. Click "Rename wallet"
  5. Click to focus the text field where the name goes
  6. Put the new name in
  7. Click done

This requires far too many clicks. Imagine you want to rename 5 wallets. This would require 25 clicks plus 5 scrollings on top of typing the 5 names!

This process is even worse when importing a new wallet by specifying a private key, because you can't specify a name during the import, requiring 3 mouse clicks to initiate the import, plus the 5 extra for the rename. Worse, the new wallet gets buried at the end of the list of wallets in step 2 above, and you can't search for it unless you already know the address, because it doesn't have a name yet. So you have to scroll all the way down the list to find it. That means that on top of the unavoidable pasting of the private key and typing of the wallet names, importing and naming 5 new wallets would require something like 40 clicks plus a lot of scrolling!

Fortunately, all of these problems can be fixed very easily. All of the following suggestions can be implemented independently from each other, and all of them would considerably improve the UX:

  • Autofocus the name text field to eliminate step 5 above.
  • Provide a keyboard shortcut to rename the currently selected wallet.
  • Allow clicking directly on the wallet name on the main wallet page in order to edit it.
  • When importing a new wallet, ask for the name on the same form where you ask for the private key (but also auto-generate a unique name like "Imported wallet 1" so you're not forcing the user to think of a name in that moment).
  • When importing a new wallet, automatically switch to the newly imported wallet.