Parse error: SyntaxError
ramvi opened this issue · 3 comments
ramvi commented
$ solgraph SimpleDataMarket.sol >
Parse error
{ SyntaxError: Expected "!=", "!==", "%", "%=", "&", "&&", "&=", "*", "*=", "+", "++", "+=", ",", "-", "--", "-=", "/", "/*", "//", "/=", ";", "<", "<<", "<<=", "<=", "=", "==", "===", ">", ">=", ">>", ">>=", ">>>", ">>>=", "?", "^", "^=", "in", "instanceof", "|", "|=", "||", comment, end of line or whitespace but "k" found. Line: 32, Column: 20
at peg$buildException (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/solgraph/node_modules/solidity-parser/build/parser.js:1081:14)
at Object.peg$parse [as parse] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/solgraph/node_modules/solidity-parser/build/parser.js:15237:13)
at Object.module.exports.parse (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/solgraph/node_modules/solidity-parser/index.js:34:23)
at exports.default (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/solgraph/dist/index.js:70:21)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/solgraph/dist/bin.js:37:35
message: 'Expected "!=", "!==", "%", "%=", "&", "&&", "&=", "*", "*=", "+", "++", "+=", ",", "-", "--", "-=", "/", "/*", "//", "/=", ";", "<", "<<", "<<=", "<=", "=", "==", "===", ">", ">=", ">>", ">>=", ">>>", ">>>=", "?", "^", "^=", "in", "instanceof", "|", "|=", "||", comment, end of line or whitespace but "k" found. Line: 32, Column: 20',
[ { type: 'literal', value: '!=', description: '"!="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '!==', description: '"!=="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '%', description: '"%"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '%=', description: '"%="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '&', description: '"&"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '&&', description: '"&&"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '&=', description: '"&="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '*', description: '"*"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '*=', description: '"*="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '+', description: '"+"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '++', description: '"++"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '+=', description: '"+="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ',', description: '","' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '-', description: '"-"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '--', description: '"--"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '-=', description: '"-="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '/', description: '"/"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '/*', description: '"/*"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '//', description: '"//"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '/=', description: '"/="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: ';', description: '";"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '<', description: '"<"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '<<', description: '"<<"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '<<=', description: '"<<="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '<=', description: '"<="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '=', description: '"="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '==', description: '"=="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '===', description: '"==="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '>', description: '">"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '>=', description: '">="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '>>', description: '">>"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '>>=', description: '">>="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '>>>', description: '">>>"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '>>>=', description: '">>>="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '?', description: '"?"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '^', description: '"^"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '^=', description: '"^="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: 'in', description: '"in"' },
{ type: 'literal',
value: 'instanceof',
description: '"instanceof"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '|', description: '"|"' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '|=', description: '"|="' },
{ type: 'literal', value: '||', description: '"||"' },
{ type: 'other', description: 'comment' },
{ type: 'other', description: 'end of line' },
{ type: 'other', description: 'whitespace' } ],
found: 'k',
{ start: { offset: 780, line: 32, column: 20 },
end: { offset: 781, line: 32, column: 21 } },
name: 'SyntaxError' }
contract SimpleDataMarket {
struct Purchase {
uint startTime;
// This struct keeps all data for a Record.
struct Record {
// Keeps the address of this record creator.
address owner;
// Keeps the time when this record was created.
uint time;
// Keeps the index of the keys array for fast lookup
uint keysIndex;
string desc;
bool active;
string help;
address payTo;
uint secondsLength;
uint256 price;
mapping (address => Purchase) purchases;
uint vault;
// This mapping keeps the records of this Registry.
mapping(string => Record) records;
// Keeps the total numbers of records in this Registry.
uint public numRecords;
// Keeps a list of all keys to interate the records.
string[] private keys;
event NewSensor(string key, string desc, string help, uint secondsLength, uint price);
// This is the function that actually insert a record.
function register(string key, string desc, bool active, string help, address payTo, uint secondsLength, uint price) {
if (records[key].time == 0) {
records[key].time = now;
records[key].owner = msg.sender;
records[key].keysIndex = keys.length;
keys[keys.length - 1] = key;
records[key].desc = desc;
records[key].active = active;
records[key].help = help;
records[key].payTo = payTo;
records[key].secondsLength = secondsLength;
records[key].price = price;
records[key].purchases[msg.sender] = Purchase(99999999999 ether); // unlimited access to owner
NewSensor(key, desc, help, secondsLength, price);
// Updates the values of the given record.
function update(string key, string desc, bool active, string help, address payTo, uint secondsLength, uint256 price) {
// Only the owner can update his record.
if (records[key].owner == msg.sender) {
records[key].desc = desc;
records[key].active = active;
records[key].help = help;
records[key].payTo = payTo;
records[key].secondsLength = secondsLength;
records[key].price = price;
// Unregister a given record
function toggleActive(string key) {
Record r = records[key];
if (r.owner == msg.sender) = !;
// Tells whether a given key is registered.
function isRegistered(string key) constant returns(bool) {
if (records[key].time == 0) {
return false;
return true;
function getRecordAtIndex(uint rindex) constant returns(string key, address owner, uint time, string desc, bool active, string help, address payTo, uint secondsLength, uint256 price) {
Record record = records[keys[rindex]];
key = keys[rindex];
owner = record.owner;
time = record.time;
desc = record.desc;
active =;
help =;
payTo = record.payTo;
secondsLength = record.secondsLength;
price = record.price;
function getRecord(string key) constant returns(address owner, uint time, string desc, bool active, string help, address payTo, uint secondsLength, uint256 price) {
Record record = records[key];
owner = record.owner;
time = record.time;
desc = record.desc;
active =;
help =;
payTo = record.payTo;
secondsLength = record.secondsLength;
price = record.price;
// Returns the owner of the given record. The owner could also be get
// by using the function getRecord but in that case all record attributes
// are returned.
function getOwner(string key) constant returns(address) {
return records[key].owner;
// Returns the registration time of the given record. The time could also
// be get by using the function getRecord but in that case all record attributes
// are returned.
function getTime(string key) constant returns(uint) {
return records[key].time;
// Returns the total number of records in this registry.
function getTotalRecords() constant returns(uint) {
return numRecords;
// Deposits money into the contract to buy access to sensor data
// New data can only be added when previous purchase is ended
// TODO Avoids overwriting already purchased sensordata.
// TODO only take the needed amount
function buyAccess(string key) {
Record r = records[key];
if (r.price == msg.value) {
r.purchases[msg.sender] = Purchase(now);
r.vault += msg.value;
} else {
if (!
function checkAccess(string key, address _buyer) constant returns (bool access) {
Record r = records[key];
uint start = r.purchases[_buyer].startTime;
if (start == 0) return false; // No purchase exists
if ((start + r.secondsLength) > now)
return true;
return false;
function withdraw(string key) returns (uint balance) {
if (msg.sender == records[key].owner) {
uint earnings = records[key].vault;
records[key].vault = 0; // In this order to be sure ledger is set to 0 BEFORE transfering the money. DAO bug
if (!
function balance(string key) constant returns (uint balance) {
if (msg.sender == records[key].owner) {
return records[key].vault;
function() {}
phiferd commented
I'm also having parse errors. Two cases I found so far:
uint MILLION = 106; // does not understand the "" operator
uint month = 30 days; // does not understand the "days" unit;
hongcoiner commented
I just tried with HONG code , share same problems.
raineorshine commented
Parse errors fixed w/solidity-parser v0.1.0. Please post further issues (such as rendering issues) in a separate issue. Thanks!