
Quick build from command line with latest installed version of Visual Studio

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello folks,
Would you accept a small one-file contribution which let us build cv2pdb binary from command line with latest installed version of Visual Studio ?

If yes, then build process would look like:
native bitness: python -m minibuild
win32: python -m minibuild --model win32
win64: python -m minibuild --model win64

On my machine with VS-2017 installed target binaries are here:

  • bin\output\exe\msvs2017-win32\release\cv2pdb.exe
  • bin\output\exe\msvs2017-win64\release\cv2pdb.exe

minibuild itself is a pure python package,
so as a prerequisite for build Python-2.7 or Python-3.x is required.
And then minibuild package is supposed to be installed by pip: python -m pip install minibuild

If no, then just close this issue.

Sorry for the late reply, I've been on vacation. Thanks for considering to contribute to cv2pdb.

I don't think adding another way to build cv2pdb adds much, though. You can build it from the command line with msbuild cv2pdb.vcxproj with appropriate options for configuration and tool chain.