- abtris@portworx
- ajhAmazon
- andycrollGood Scary
- andydust
- bashcoderPlatforms LLC
- chaserx@gitlabhq
- chetanPixelcop Research
- cotyKatalon
- dandorman@DivvyPayHQ
- dbloomanRemote
- garrickvanburenMinneapolis, MN
- hauntedhost⛰️ Southern Appalachia
- JackneillEvotrex
- jbenner-radhamObetz, OH USA
- jefffederman@gusto
- jiveyIveyIO
- jweirPortland, OR
- kevinfloMinneapolis, MN
- linc01nSingapore
- lloydpick@forward3d @assemblyglobal
- loganfrederickChicago, IL
- michaelmiorRochester Institute of Technology
- mru2Paris, France
- nathan-appere@volemonde
- rcyrusMinneapolis, Minnesota
- richrinesAutoReach
- sandstrom::1
- sheerunMe and you
- shuber@LendingHome
- tomeduartePorto, Portugal
- treepeople
- Trevoke@mechanical-orchard
- typesend@aliensfromthefuture
- WillianvdvHackerOne
- yurifrlSão Paulo, SP, Brasil
- zachtaylor-wf