
Suggest an idea of checkpoints management

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Problem: if each checkpoint is represented as a separate branch forked sequentially, e.g.:

master -> 01-first-checkpoint -> 02-second-checkpoint -> 03-third-checkpoint

and you need to make changes in master (add more commits), it's rather cumbersome to rebase each one of checkpoint branches. We need a convenient way of dealing with checkpoints.

You can just git pull the master branch into all the checkpoint branches if you make a change. The approach is applicable on each level of nesting - just pull the changed branch into all the subsequent branches. It may be called "branch drilling". 😄 At least it worked for me. By the end of the workshop, the last branch includes all the changes from all the previous ones and it can be safely merged to master without the need to unnest the history at all.

BTW, I thought of a rule that states that the code should start in the dev branch to make master a branch for evaluating the artifacts before the dry run.