
Error when saving plugin with File field

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When creating a new record with a file upload field it returns this error:
"array_flip() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given" on line 86 of /var/www/html/october-cms/solas/vendor/october/rain/src/Database/Behaviors/Purgeable.php

I already included the input field to the model in public $attachOne and removed the field on the database. How can I save files and images?

Hello @mistahcheong !

What version of Ocrtober CMS are you using? Also what version of RainLab.Translate do you have installed?

I'm currently using v2 of octobercms and v1.7.4 for the Rainlab.Translate. Is this the issue? I'll try updating it

Yes, that would be it, v2 support for Translate was added in v1.8 and above
