
Unable to find configuration file - Error in October CMS 3.4.6 install

RempadDesign opened this issue · 5 comments


We have a problem after creating a plugin via the Builder plugin.
We get the "Unable to find configuration file" error and didn't manage to find why. We were using the Builder for years and didn't had any issues. Now, in October cms V 3.4.6 we had Fatal Error on instalation and after fixed that we now have this issue.

When we are trying to Create a record, the system throws the "Unable to find configuration file" error like this:
"Unable to find configuration file /home/user/public_html/dev/project-name/plugins/developer/slider/models/slider defined for Backend\Behaviors\FormController." on line 55 of /home/user/public_html/dev/project-name/modules/system/traits/ConfigMaker.php

Is there anyone who has this problem?
Thank you in advance.

Hey @RempadDesign

So we can better understand the issue, please can you confirm what version of Builder you are using? And also, what steps are taken to arrive at the error?

Based on the error, you may need to check the developer/slider plugin, it appears to be referring to a configuration file without its file extension (.yaml).

Best regards

Hi, thanks for your prompt answer.
We are using the latest 2.0.5 Builder version. We have created all the plugin dependencies from the Builder interface (Database, Models, Menus, Controllers etc.) like we did every time we were building a plugin with it for years. When we are trying to Create a record, the error is thrown.

The developer/slider structure is like this: https://snipboard.io/0EbWXL.jpg
We have never manualy created the configuration.yaml file you are reffering to.. we don't understand why is now missing.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @RempadDesign

It is still possible to enter a file without the .yaml at the end using builder. Please check all the controller YAML files since they make reference to the model YAML files. Specifically, can you share the contents of the file plugins/developer/slider/controllers/sliders/config_form.yaml and config_list.yaml

Hi and sorry for the late answer.
The cont on the specified files is for config_form.yaml:
name: Sliders
modelClass: Developer\Slider\Models\Slider
form: $/developer/slider/models/slider
defaultRedirect: developer/slider/sliders
redirect: 'developer/slider/sliders/update/:id'
redirectClose: developer/slider/sliders
redirect: developer/slider/sliders
redirectClose: developer/slider/sliders
preview: { }

And for the config_list.yaml:
list: $/developer/slider/models/slider/columns.yaml
modelClass: Developer\Slider\Models\Slider
title: Sliders
noRecordsMessage: 'backend::lang.list.no_records'
showSetup: true
showCheckboxes: true
recordsPerPage: 20
buttons: list_toolbar
prompt: 'backend::lang.list.search_prompt'
recordUrl: 'developer/slider/sliders/update/:id'

Thank you in advance.

Problem solved. For unknown reason the config_form.yaml file was not correctly configured for the form fields url.
The form: $/developer/slider/models/slider should be: form: $/developer/slider/models/slider/fields.yaml

Don't know exactly why this happened, being automaticaly generated by the builder itself.

Thank you in advance for all you help and support. All the best.