
The sitemap shows disabled pages

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, thanks for this plugin.
I used it to generate my sitemap, but it lists also the items that are disabled. I'd prefer that it is not displayed to search engines.

To reproduce :

  • Create a tailor collection
  • Add several items
  • Publish some, leave others disabled (is_enabled = false)
  • Create a page to display the item with the url scheme "my-collection/:slug"
  • Create the sitemap entry to list All these entries

I tried to add a condition in the macro, but the Page finder item doesn't return the proper tailor item.
It returns the same strange item for all entries, with a slug equivalent to "my-collection", not the real slug, not the true item data, and not the correct is_enabled value.

I don't know how to go further. Can you help ?

Hi @CarolinePublipresse

We have reviewed this today using the sitemap implementation with the demo theme. Disabled pages do not appear in the sitemap collection.

Take a look at the following upgrade guide for more details: https://github.com/rainlab/sitemap-plugin/blob/master/UPGRADE.md

Hopefully it helps

I did followed the upgrade guide in the first place. My blueprint and /sitemap.xml page are excatly the same as the ones on your link. This is why I thought it was a global problem, and not specific to my Tailor collections.

But still, the problemem remains, and I don't know how to investigate on it.

Here is my sitemap config :

My blueprint is this one : terrains.yaml

uuid: [...]
handle: Terrains
type: entry
name: A vendre
drafts: false

    label: A vendre
    icon: icon-map-pin
    order: 2040

        type: balloon-selector
        label: Type de bien
        tab: Résumé
            Immeuble / Appartement: Immeuble / Appartement
            Maison: Maison
            Terrain: Terrain
        default: Terrain
        label: Adresse
        type: addressfinder
        validation: required
        tab: Résumé
            street: rue
            zip: cp
            city: ville
            country-long: pays
            latitude: latitude
            longitude: longitude
        label: Description
        type: textarea
        size: small
        tab: Résumé
        column: false
        label: Image
        type: fileupload
        mode: image
        maxFiles: 1
        tab: Résumé
        type: mixin
        source: Builder
        label: Ville
        type: text
        tab: Géolocalisation
        label: Code postal
        type: text
        span: auto
        tab: Géolocalisation
        column: true
        label: Ville
        type: text
        span: auto
        tab: Géolocalisation
        column: true
        label: Pays
        type: text
        tab: Géolocalisation
        column: false
        label: Latitude
        type: text
        span: auto
        tab: Géolocalisation
        column: false
        label: Longitude
        type: text
        span: auto
        tab: Géolocalisation
        column: false

Here are my 2 entries :

The second one is unpublished, but it is still listed in the sitemap :

When I print the item object in the sitemap macro, the object returned is this one. Shouldn't it be my Terrain tailor item ?

I don't get why the collection returns unpublished objects in the first place, and why this item object in the sitemap is not mine.
Is there a way to retrive the collection object instead of this list-entry object, so I could put a condition in the macro to exclude unpublished items... ?

Thank you for the detailed report! We were able to replicate this.

This should be fixed in the next patch release (v3.4.6). However, if it still isn't working, please tag my username, and we can take another look.

Update done, problem solved ! Thank-you very much 👍