
Theme Scanner parseContent() method visibility

mplodowski opened this issue · 1 comments

I want to add pdf layouts for theme scanner. I use event for this like so:

Event::listen('rainlab.translate.themeScanner.afterScan', function (ThemeScanner $scanner) {
    $messages = [];

    foreach (PdfLayout::all() as $layout) {
        $messages = array_merge($messages, $scanner->parseContent($layout->content_html)); // this line is problematic


The issue with this code is that parseContent() method on ThemeScanner class is protected and I cannot use it in my code. Of course I can add this method to my class, but I also then need to add processStandardTags() method as well. This make my code ugly.

I suggest to change visibility of this method to public, so developers can use it.

I can make PR if this is ok with you.

Sure, that sounds fine.