
How to get the translated file from the Model

chaturadilan opened this issue · 3 comments


I have created a translatable file like following,

public $implement = [ \RainLab\Translate\Behaviors\TranslatableModel::class];

 public $translatable = ['image'];

public $attachOne = [
        'image' =>  \System\Models\File::class,

I was able to add translated files using the Admin Backend, and I both see it in system_files.

But when I try to access the model like below, it always returns the file that is set for 'en' but nor 'fr'


Hey @chaturadilan

This will be fixed in Translate v2.2.6 / October CMS v3.4.11

Test plugin results:

> $a = October\Test\Models\Page::find(1);
= October\Test\Models\Page {#6468
    id: 1,
    title: "First Page",

> $a->secondimage;
= System\Models\File {#6480
    id: 600,
    disk_name: "64bf1a0eb1bab468315357.png",
    file_name: "george.png",
    file_size: 432616,
    content_type: "image/png",
    title: null,
    description: null,
    field: "secondimage",
    #attachment_id: 1,
    #attachment_type: "October\Test\Models\Page:en",
    #is_public: 1,
    sort_order: 600,
    created_at: "2023-07-25 00:40:46",
    updated_at: "2023-07-25 00:40:48",
    +path: "http://localhost/storage/app/uploads/public/64b/f1a/0eb/64bf1a0eb1bab468315357.png",
    +extension: "png",

> $a->lang('fr')->secondimage;
= System\Models\File {#6508
    id: 601,
    disk_name: "64bf1a1bd17be083766484.jpg",
    file_name: "poker.jpg",
    file_size: 133984,
    content_type: "image/jpeg",
    title: null,
    description: null,
    field: "secondimage",
    #attachment_id: 1,
    #attachment_type: "October\Test\Models\Page:fr",
    #is_public: 1,
    sort_order: 601,
    created_at: "2023-07-25 00:40:59",
    updated_at: "2023-07-25 00:41:00",
    +path: "http://localhost/storage/app/uploads/public/64b/f1a/1bd/64bf1a1bd17be083766484.jpg",
    +extension: "jpg",

Thank you

Now I tested in Translate v2.2.7 and OctoberCMS v3.4.11, Now I'm not getting the translated attachment field at all