A map sdk for getting Geo Code and Geo-Fencing.
$ composer require rainsens/map -vvv
You have to get the API Key from Amap before use.
use Rainsens\Map\Map;
$key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$map = new Map($key);
$map->GeoCode->get('北京市朝阳区阜通东大街6号', '北京');
$map->GeoCode->get('北京市朝阳区阜通东大街6号', '北京', 'json');
$map->GeoCode->get('北京市朝阳区阜通东大街6号', '北京', 'xml');
$cities = [
$map->GeoCode->get($cities, '北京');
"status": "1",
"info": "OK",
"infocode": "10000",
"count": "1",
"geocodes": [
"formatted_address": "北京市朝阳区阜通东大街|6号",
"country": "**",
"province": "北京市",
"citycode": "010",
"city": "北京市",
"district": "朝阳区",
"township": [],
"neighborhood": {
"name": [],
"type": []
"building": {
"name": [],
"type": []
"adcode": "110105",
"street": "阜通东大街",
"number": "6号",
"location": "116.483038,39.990633",
"level": "门牌号"
<geocodes type="list">
About arguments please refer AMap.
$map->geoFence()->enable(string $gid, bool $status = true);
$map->geoFence()->delete(string $gid);
Install with the same way and put the API Key in config/services.php
'map' => [
'key' => env('MAP_API_KEY'),
Then configure the MAP_API_KEY in .env
Map::geoCode->get('北京市朝阳区阜通东大街6号', '北京');
Map::geoFence()->enable(string $gid, bool $status = true);
Map::geoFence()->delete(string $gid);
About arguments above please refer AMap.
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- File bug reports using the issue tracker.
- Answer questions or fix bugs on the issue tracker.
- Contribute new features or update the wiki.
The code contribution process is not very formal. You just need to make sure that you follow the PSR-0, PSR-1, and PSR-2 coding guidelines. Any new code contributions must be accompanied by unit tests where applicable.