
WARNING: NO LONGER ACTIVELY MAINTAINED (unless you want to help with a pull request :), use http://einaros.github.com/ws/ instead. Basic Web Sockets Server for node.js with similar interface to tcp.createServer(...)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Minimal WebSockets for node.js

  • Compatible with node v0.1.91
  • Interface is almost the same as tcp.createServer(...)
  • Flash policy file requests are handled (hardcoded, permissive), see http://github.com/gimite/web-socket-js

Example - WebSocket server

  var sys = require("sys"),
    ws = require("./ws");

  ws.createServer(function (websocket) {
    websocket.addListener("connect", function (resource) { 
      // emitted after handshake
      sys.debug("connect: " + resource);

      // server closes connection after 10s, will also get "close" event
      setTimeout(websocket.end, 10 * 1000); 
    }).addListener("data", function (data) { 
      // handle incoming data

      // send data to client
    }).addListener("close", function () { 
      // emitted when server or client closes connection

Example - Secure WebSocket server

  var sys = require("sys"),
    ws = require("./ws"),
    crypto = require('crypto'),
    fs = require("fs");

  var privateKey = fs.readFileSync('privatekey.pem').toString();
  var certificate = fs.readFileSync('certificate.pem').toString();

  var credentials = crypto.createCredentials({key: privateKey, cert: certificate});

  ws.createSecureServer(function (websocket) {
    websocket.addListener("connect", function (resource) { 
      // emitted after handshake
      sys.debug("connect: " + resource);

      // server closes connection after 10s, will also get "close" event
      setTimeout(websocket.end, 10 * 1000); 
    }).addListener("data", function (data) { 
      // handle incoming data

      // send data to client
    }).addListener("close", function () { 
      // emitted when server or client closes connection
  }, credentials).listen(8080);


Jacek Becela, Samuel Cyprian