
Can't upload sibling style files

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In the documentation it indicates that Raisely will consolidate the style files into one file in alphabetical order.

Organise your CSS
No-one likes a CSS file that's a 1000 lines long. Raisely lets you organise your CSS into folders. You can create new folders and files in your CLI-supported project. Raisely will automatically concatenate them when compiling them, in alphabetical order.

But it does not tell you how to setup the file system to leverage this feature:


In the above screen shot I was trying to use @import to see if that made a difference. It did not and the CLI said the components had deployed with no errors, but the @importwas not in the remote file. Which would likely indicate it was a silent failure.

UPDATE: Ok I then ran raisely local and confirmed that there were scss transpile errors. ie variables in some code snippet I was playing with had not been declared, so the transpilation failed. This would have been a lot better to have seen in the result of the raisely deploy action. However Even after fixing these the code changes are still not deploying.

The CLI is either buggy or the documentation needs to be updated.

Partially Solved:

I ran raisely start and made a change to my scss file and the one file successfully got deployed. Sibling files are still not.

This is so not what I expected from the CLI deploy and start should do the same thing only one with a watch function.

Solved - no uuid we’re in .raisely.json