
Enable local testing of the action

corneliusweig opened this issue · 1 comments

Templating is always hard. It would be nice if it were somehow possible to test the rendered manifest without having to run it on GitHub.

For example, the addURIAndSha and TagName could just render some dummy values. This would make it easier to spot whitespace issues.

fixed by #27

I've cut a new release v0.0.32 with ability to test rendering of template locally. It uses real values instead of dummy to make sure URI format etc is correct as well.

docker run -v /path/to/your/template-file.yaml:/tmp/template-file.yaml rajatjindal/krew-release-bot:v0.0.32 \
  krew-release-bot template --tag <tag-name> --template-file /tmp/template-file.yaml

many thanks for your continuous feedback to make this bot better.