Error 404 when downloading the released binary
dhiller opened this issue · 9 comments
There was one case when the krew-release-bot ran into a 404 error as he'd tried to download the released binary.
I suspect that this rather was a failure on the CDN of GitHub as the released binaries should already have been present. When I tried to download the file manually (by clicking the link in the browser window) it succeeded right away.
oh. let me see if some info in logs of the bot.
thanks for reporting it
found logs for successful execution only.
10:38:30 PM: time="2020-12-21T17:08:30Z" level=info msg="will operate in tempdir /tmp/krew-index-854983437"
10:38:30 PM: time="2020-12-21T17:08:30Z" level=info msg="Cloning"
10:38:30 PM: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
10:38:30 PM: Counting objects: 25% (1/4)
Counting objects: 50% (2/4)
Counting objects: 75% (3/4)
Counting objects: 100% (4/4)
Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
10:38:30 PM: Compressing objects: 25% (1/4)
Compressing objects: 50% (2/4)
Compressing objects: 75% (3/4)
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4)
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
10:38:30 PM: Total 3224 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 3220
10:38:31 PM: time="2020-12-21T17:08:31Z" level=info msg="Adding remote local at"
10:38:31 PM: creating branch kubevirt-virt-kubectl-virt-plugin-v0.36.0time="2020-12-21T17:08:31Z" level=info msg="creating branch kubevirt-virt-kubectl-virt-plugin-v0.36.0"
10:38:31 PM: time="2020-12-21T17:08:31Z" level=info msg="validating ownership"
10:38:31 PM: time="2020-12-21T17:08:31Z" level=info msg="update plugin manifest with latest release info"
10:38:31 PM: creating branch kubevirt-virt-kubectl-virt-plugin-v0.36.0time="2020-12-21T17:08:31Z" level=info msg="pushing changes to branch kubevirt-virt-kubectl-virt-plugin-v0.36.0"
10:38:32 PM: creating branch kubevirt-virt-kubectl-virt-plugin-v0.36.0
10:38:34 PM: time="2020-12-21T17:08:34Z" level=info msg="submitting the pr"
10:38:34 PM: creating branch kubevirt-virt-kubectl-virt-plugin-v0.36.0creating branch kubevirt-virt-kubectl-virt-plugin-v0.36.0time="2020-12-21T17:08:34Z" level=info msg="creating pr with title \"\\\"release new version v0.36.0 of virt\\\"\", \nhead \"\\\"krew-release-bot:kubevirt-virt-kubectl-virt-plugin-v0.36.0\\\"\", \nbase \"master\", \nbody \"\\\"hey krew-index team,\\n\\nI am [krew-release-bot](, and I would like to open this PR to publish version `v0.36.0` of `virt` on behalf of @dhiller.\\n\\nThanks,\\n@krew-release-bot\\\"\""
10:38:36 PM: time="2020-12-21T17:08:36Z" level=info msg="pr \"\" opened for releasing new version"
10:38:36 PM: Duration: 5534.08 ms Memory Usage: 72 MB Init Duration: 148.72 ms
i will close this for now as it does look like a CDN problem. If it happens again and more frequently, then we will explore the option of retrying etc.
This has prevented the release tonight and a version update that should have happened. Can you please take a look? Thanks!
Fortunately I could restart the GitHub actions by hand, so no pressure :)
Hi @dhiller
I will add some retry mechanism to handle this kind of transient failure.
Hi @dhiller
sorry for the long wait, i've released v0.0.39 with this fix. now it will retry 4 times with backoff if the released tar file is not found.
in anycase if this happens again, please let me know
Thanks for taking the time fixing this! 🙇