apigee-crd Apigee Custom Resource Definitions

Its goal is to manage Apigee resources like apiproxies, apiproducts, developes etc as Kubernetes Objects.

This project publishes Custom Resource Definition for Apigee resources that can be deployed in a Kubernetes Cluster.This offers declarative way of defining Apigee resources as yaml files. Finally the resources can be managed by the easy-to-use kubectl commands.

CRD Supported

  • ApiProduct
  • ApiProxy
  • Developer
  • DeveloperApp

Getting Started

  1. For OPDK, Edit the config file as given in samples(samples/config/opdk.yaml) and apply Configuration. kubectl apply -f samples/config/opdk.yaml

opdk sample config

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: apigee-config-opdk
  namespace: apigee-config
  mgmt_api: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/v1
  username: opdk@apigee.com
  password: Secret123
  org_name: demo
  env_name: test
  profile: legacy
  auth: base64

Please note that profile is legacy and auth is base64. In case you want to use SAML based token, please follow the steps mentioned in SAAS below.

  1. For SAAS, Edit the config file as given in samples(samples/config/saas.yaml) and apply Configuration. kubectl apply -f samples/config/saas.yaml

saas sample config

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: apigee-config-saas
  namespace: apigee-config
  mgmt_api: https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1
  username: xcxcxcxcx@apigee.com
  password: xxcxcxcxc
  token_url: https://login.apigee.com/oauth/token
  #mfa_token: "695573"
  org_name: imedusa
  env_name: test
  profile: legacy
  auth: token

Please note that profile is legacy and auth is token.The username and password are the machine users for automated token generation. In case you want to authenticate with mfa_token you can also put those values along with regular user credentials. In case you want to use base64 credentials which is deprecated, you can proide auth value as base64.

  1. For Hybrid or ApigeeX
  • Create apigee-config namespace
kubectl create namespace apigee-config
  • Obtain the Service Account json file with the appropriate role.

  • Create a kubernetes secret from the Service Account json file.

kubectl create secret generic amer-cs-hybrid-demo32-org-admin --from-file=service_account=./amer-cs-hybrid-demo32-org-admin.json --namespace apigee-config
  • Edit the config file as given in samples(samples/config/hybrid.yaml) and apply Hybrid specific configuration with the service_account_secret set to the secret name created above.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
    control-plane: controller-manager
  name: apigee-config
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: apigee-hybrid-config
  namespace: apigee-config
  mgmt_api: https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1
  service_account_secret : amer-cs-hybrid-demo32-org-admin
  org_name: amer-cs-hybrid-demo32
  env_name: test
  profile: apigeex
  auth: token

kubectl apply -f samples/config/hybrid.yaml

  1. Applying CRD's

Apply Apigee CRD kubectl apply -f crds/

  1. To Test

kubectl apply -f samples/apigee_v1_apiproxy.yaml

Check the metadata section of this sample. You can specify the env in the metadata which will override the default env provided in config above. The config and config-namespace section should map to the config-map created above.

apiVersion: apigee.google.com/v1
kind: ApiProxy
 name: loans-api
 env : test
 config: apigee-hybrid-config
 config-namespace: apigee-config
kubectl get apiproxies
loans-api   deployed     1          13s
  1. Check through Edge UI if Proxies are created.

  2. Delete the API Proxy

    kubectl delete -f samples/apigee_v1_apiproxy.yaml
    apiproxy.apigee.google.com "loans-api" deleted
  3. Check through Edge UI to see if the Api Proxy is deleted