
How to Test

Backup Steps

  1. Spin up a apigee-cassandra client
  2. Go to the Cassandra Client
kubectl exec -it apigee-cassandra-client -n apigee -- bash
  1. Take Schema backup
./backup_schema.sh <<org-name>>
  1. Go to apigee cassandra pod one by one and take the snapshot backup
kubectl exec -it apigee-cassandra-default-0 -n apigee -- bash
./backup_data.sh <<orgname>>
  1. Repeat Step 4 for all pods

Restore Steps

  1. Spin up a apigee-cassandra client
  2. Go to the Cassandra Client
kubectl exec -it apigee-cassandra-client -n apigee -- bash
  1. Restore Org Schema
./restore_schema.sh <<backup_schema_file>>
  1. Go to the cassandra pod default-0 and restore the data
kubectl exec -it apigee-cassandra-default-0 -n apigee -- bash
./restore_data.sh <<orgname>> <backup_file>> <<cassandra_data_dir>> <<backup_num>>

for example

./restore_data.sh anthos-vm-example1  /opt/apigee/backup/data/apigee-cassandra/data/ /opt/apigee/data/apigee-cassandra/data/  1661799377
  1. Refresh the cassandra pods for new SSTables to take effect

Go to the Cassandra Client

./restore_refresh.sh <<orgname>> <<pod_ip>> <<cassandra_user>> <cassandra_password>>

for ex:

./restore_refresh.sh anthos-bm-example1 cassandra apigee123

**Note** is pod ip of the cassandra pod apigee-cassandra-default-0 for which data is restored in step 4

  1. Repeat Step 4 and 5 for other Cassandra pods.