
Create a workout tracker.

rajgurung opened this issue · 0 comments

Beautifully Create, Manage, Track, Chart & Predict Exercises

  • Create and manage exercise.
  • Track, Add, Edit, Delete exercise based on created exercises.
    • sets, reps, split set, hypertrophy, customisable.
  • Show it in chart of highest exercise performed monthly, quarterly and yearly.
    • number of reps performed, sets and time taken, calories burnt.
  • Predict the exercises that a user is likely to perform based on historical data.
  • Private or Public.
    • If private don't release the workout to world unless otherwise.

Make it billable

  • If you are personal trainer, make it billable.
  • Set a price to buy.
  • Demo.
  • Workout will be rated i.e. 7.5/10