
npm version

clone-wp-theme is a powerful and flexible command-line tool designed for WordPress developers. With this package, you can easily create a new WordPress theme by selecting from different predefined theme templates, such as Flynt or a Vite-based Sage theme. The package will automatically clone the chosen repository, helping you get started quickly with the setup.


  • Interactive theme selection: Choose between different theme templates during setup.
  • Automated repository cloning: Based on your selection, the appropriate repository is cloned to your local environment.
  • Developer-friendly: Ideal for WordPress developers looking for a fast way to start working with customized or pre-built themes.


To install the package globally, run:

npm install -g create-wp-theme

Alternatively, you can use npx to run the package without installing it globally:

npx clone-wp-theme

Once installed, simply run:


Follow the prompts to choose your desired theme:

Select which theme you want to start working with (e.g., Flynt or Vite-based Sage). The tool will automatically clone the selected repository and set it up for you.

cd your-theme-name

Flynt Theme:


composer install
npm install
npm run build

To start developing run the following command:

npm start

Sage-Vite Theme

Make sure you have all the requirements, then clone the repository and inside of the folder run the follows commands.

First run:



  composer install

Once you have all the dependencies you have to build the assets:

  yarn build

And Finally just run:

  yarn dev

Available Themes

  • Flynt: A modern component-based WordPress theme.
  • Vite-Sage: A fast, Vite-powered version of the popular Sage theme.


Raj Patel