
[Bug]: Not getting selected iterate node on react_google_charts Treemap

ashishk116 opened this issue · 0 comments

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Current and expected behavior

Hi ,I am using react_google_charts Treemap in the project component . But not getting the selected iterated node from the package .

Issue reproduce--> https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50401674/170448907-c8c6d7b9-ddec-4a63-a41f-a7211d0d7b3a.mp4

Uncaught Error: Invalid row index 84. Should be in the range [0-4].Getting this error while trying to get the node of iterated graph node.
Codesandbox link - https://codesandbox.io/s/tender-chebyshev-xyg6cx

Please suggestion on this issue would be very helpful.



react-google-charts version


Possible solution

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