
Adding a .isOpened(port) method

Ivan-Roger opened this issue · 1 comments

As said in the title it would be great to be able to check if a port as already been openned.
And I don't know if someone still works on this repo but having a support for I2C and SPI would be awesome (#1).

What’s the use case? If in doubt, you could just open again.

Do you need to know the status? In that case: I wrote a wrapper for the WiringPi gpio utility, pi-gpioUtil, which might help you (see exports). The WiringPi gpio can be used in place of gpio-admin for this project too, see #27 – which was never merged.

Speaking of that: Both pi-gpioUtil and this pi-gpio here are effectively unmaintained since none of the contributers are current users as far as I can tell. Things used to work, but may not anymore.