
It looks not as nice as the demo

kaiyulee opened this issue · 13 comments

rakr commented

Would you mind providing the following information:

  • Terminal you are using and the version
  • Vim or NeoVim and the version
  • Are you using tmux?
rakr commented

Actually, i think I know the reason. Italic is not supported by your terminal. Will post a fix soon that would require a configuration setting.

rakr commented

@kaiyulee, thanks for opening this issue. It seems like your terminal does not support italic,

This update should fix your problem. Please make sure to have the following lines in your ~/.vimrc

set background=dark
set g:one_allow_italics=1
colorscheme one

iTerm2 Build 3.0.1 + vim 7.4.1345, iTerm2 has the tmux integration.

And still has the clear & beautiful problem.

It seems like not the plugin's problem. I had tried the material colorscheme mounthes before, It also has the display issue - it not as clear & beautiful as yours, but both the material and the one display well with MacVim. So the key maybe is the vim.

rakr commented

Sorry to hear that, to support True Colors in Terminal you would need

rakr commented

Your version of Vim does not support true colours. Try to upgrade it.

It only works for vim, but not neovim.
My information:

  • Iterm2 Build 3.0.10
  • Vim 8.0
  • Neovim 0.1.5
rakr commented

@kepbod, Sorry but I can't help you fix this issue on Neovim if you don't provide more information, your ~/.vimrc or /.config/nvim/init.vim would be a great start.
also don't forget that you must set termguicolors for this to work.

Sorry that I forgot to attach my configuration.
My ~/.config/nvim/init.vim is https://github.com/kepbod/ivim/blob/master/vimrc_nvim, and I set iterm using https://gist.github.com/kepbod/2ea79ee2ada4c22591dc043c1ed4364c.
Thanks a lot for your helps.

rakr commented

try removing the set t_Co line

It did not work after I removed the set t_Co line.

I fixed it by add below gist in .vimrc according to https://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/24g8r8/italics_in_terminal_vim_and_tmux/?st=iux2r3zl&sh=87e1d8bf.

set t_ZH=^[[3m
set t_ZR=^[[23m

But I doesn't know why.

b-fuze commented

If kepbod's snippet above doesn't work for you like it didn't for me, then it's likely because it requires actually typing the Esc character—which won't look as nice in other editors or display properly in a browser. A nicer way that looks the same across editors and in a browser is:

let &t_ZH = "\<Esc>[3m"
let &t_ZR = "\<Esc>[23m"