
Convert option for none nativ speaker e.g Japanse to romaji

Opened this issue · 3 comments

          FYI: Managed to hotfix the issue by adding "unidecode" lib and normalizing accent characters before the regex
def download_from_youtube():
    title = get_youtube_title(settings.input_file_path)
    title = unidecode(title)
    basename_without_ext = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9. _-]+', '', title).strip()


Originally posted by @kubalakowski in #30 (comment)

Idea: Sing songs you cant read. E.g. japanse letters

@kubalakowski thanks for the idea + the code!

i am using cutlet currently for this.

this has to be done before the lines are word-splitted to get the correct transliteration.

for Japanese i've just made a script to convert ass subtitles to romaji.