
`bin/ec`: map standard mnemonic to validator BLS keys

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  • BIP-39 mnemonic
  • use BIP-39 library to generate seed
  • derive_master_SK
  • using index and root, derive_child_SK
  • map secret_key to public_key

=> mnemonic, series of indices (local validator indices): get BLS12-381 key pairs.

  1. bip-39 to make strong mnemonics
  2. given mnemonic, recover seed
  3. use bip-32 crate to generate keys from (range of) indices

update: the interface of bip32 crate was a bit more than we needed so instead, I just went w/ the bip39 crate in #263 and wrote the HD code by hand (there is not much that we would have saved by using some existing crate)