
Can't render my custom seoData

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is probably very simple to resolve. I have set in my Blog model the function getDynamicSEOData

public function getDynamicSEOData(): SEOData
        $language = app()->getLocale();
        return new SEOData(
            title: $this->{'title_'.$language},
            description: $this->{'summary_'.$language},
            author: 'Guy Verville',
            image: $this->getFirstMedia('blog')('seo')

This looks fine.
In my BlogController in the show method, I wrote



 return view('blog.show', ['content' => $content, 'seoData' => $seo]);

My blog template looks like this:

    <x-slot:title>{{ $content['title'] }}</x-slot:title>
    <x-slot:translationURL>{{ $content['otherLanguage'] }}</x-slot:translationURL>
    <div class="relative pt-[100px] md:pt-[400px]">

and my layout.blade.php has the {!! seo($seoData !!} or {{ seo($seoData) }} command. However, it get an error the it can pass your object, expects a string, etc.. {!! seo() !!} works fine, but with the default settings.

I have tried a lot of things, with no success. I have difficulty understand what should be passed. In other words, I get the SEO Object, but am unable to reproduce the examples given...

Can you help?

Hi @GuyVervillePerso, I see that you are echoing out the SEOData object, but you need to use the seo() function instead:

{!! seo($SEOData) !!}

Hope that helps!

Thanks for the response, but I had tried this. I will create my own simple solution. :-)