
script "03_cluster_tweets.R" fails to run

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When running line 272 of the _master.R script, I get the following error message:

source(file.path(code_tweets_all_dir, "code", "03_cluster_tweets.R"))

> # Cluster tweets into uniqe crashes
> source(file.path(code_tweets_all_dir, "code", "03_cluster_tweets.R"))

 Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "id", value = 1:0) : 
  replacement has 2 rows, data has 0 

After inspecting and mannually re-running the script datawork/tweets_all/code/03_cluster_tweets.R, I saw the error occured when trying to generate the object tweets_all_clustered in lines 13-20:

# Cluster Tweets ---------------------------------------------------------------
tweets_all_clustered <- cluster_crashes_one_dataset(crashes_df = tweets_all,
time_var = "created_at_nairobitime",
lat_var = "lat_alg",
lon_var = "lon_alg",
vars_to_keep = c("tweet"),

> tweets_all_clustered <- cluster_crashes_one_dataset(crashes_df = tweets_all,
+                             time_var = "created_at_nairobitime",
+                             lat_var = "lat_alg",
+                             lon_var = "lon_alg",
+                             vars_to_keep = c("tweet"),
+                             time_thresh_hrs=4, 
+                             cluster_km=0.5, 
+                             cluster_id_only=F)

 Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "id", value = 1:0) : 
  replacement has 2 rows, data has 0

The function cluster_crashes_one_dataset() sits in the script functions_and_packages/clustering/cluster_crashes_into_unique_crashes.R. I couldn't locate, though, which line of it is the one generating the error because it's a long function (100+ lines)

I just got the same error. It seems to be coming from line 7 of 03_cluster_tweets.R: looks like there are no obs with [tweets_all$crash_tweet_algorithm == TRUE

In fact, the variable crash_tweet_algorithm is not present in tweet_all

fixed! (I think!) @luizaandrade @luisesanmartin

indeed, it works now!