
iOS 14 Crash

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I am having a new error when I try to run my app with iOS 14 and XCode 12 beta 6. What might cause this and how can I solve it?

/Users/test/Documents/TestApp/TestApp/Test App/Classes/Modules/Poses/Router/YMTestRouter.m:20:86: Incompatible block pointer types sending 'id (^)(__strong id)' to parameter of type 'RamblerViperModuleLinkBlock' (aka 'id (^)(__strong id)')

[[self.transitionHandler openModuleUsingSegue:@"openDetail"] thenChainUsingBlock:^id <RamblerViperModuleOutput>(id <YMTestModuleInput> moduleInput) {
    [moduleInput configureCurrentModuleWithPlainTestObject:object];
    return nil;

BTW, Your example app also crashes with the same error.

Please see #37 or temporarily you can work it around by adding flags into Build Settings CFLAGS to disable check -Xclang -fcompatibility-qualified-id-block-type-checking.

Please see #37 or temporarily you can work it around by adding flags into Build Settings CFLAGS to disable check -Xclang -fcompatibility-qualified-id-block-type-checking.

Thank you! Working well.