
[Vertical Taskbar for Windows 11] Modals from other applications do not respect the screen boundary when taskbar is on the right

Venthe opened this issue · 2 comments

Sorry, I hope this is the last one related to multi display :(

I have three displays, from left to right; including their detected number:
(1)4k@150%, (2)4k@150%(main), [disconnected (3)HD@100% vertical]

When taskbar is on the right; the popups from e.g. photoshop will open to the "left" (From 1 into the 2) without respecting the screen boundary.

As I've uploaded the picture; I notice that the popup can be seen between the maximized photoshop and the taskbar from the "left" screen as well.

Logs, as usual - nothing interesting here

17:26:15.762 11604 explorer.exe  [WH] [local@taskbar-vertical-test] [1588:TaskListButton_UpdateVisualStates_Hook]: >
17:26:15.762 11604 explorer.exe  [WH] [local@taskbar-vertical-test] [1588:TaskListButton_UpdateVisualStates_Hook]: >
17:26:15.763 11604 explorer.exe  [WH] [local@taskbar-vertical-test] [1588:TaskListButton_UpdateVisualStates_Hook]: >
17:26:15.763 11604 explorer.exe  [WH] [local@taskbar-vertical-test] [1588:TaskListButton_UpdateVisualStates_Hook]: >
17:26:20.886 11604 explorer.exe  [WH] [local@taskbar-vertical-test] [1588:TaskListButton_UpdateVisualStates_Hook]: >
17:26:20.886 11604 explorer.exe  [WH] [local@taskbar-vertical-test] [1588:TaskListButton_UpdateVisualStates_Hook]: >
17:26:20.886 11604 explorer.exe  [WH] [local@taskbar-vertical-test] [1588:TaskListButton_UpdateVisualStates_Hook]: >
17:26:20.886 11604 explorer.exe  [WH] [local@taskbar-vertical-test] [1588:TaskListButton_UpdateVisualStates_Hook]: >

Looks more like Photoshop not supporting this kind of setup to me. How does it behave on Win10 with the native taskbar being located between the two monitors?

Generally, IMO it's out of scope for this mod to handle such program-specific behavior.

Sorry, this one is on me; I've filed it as a bug without checking if it happens without the vertical taskbar, and it absolutely does. I'm pinning this one on a long night and filing a bug report one after the other.
