
Daily Climate Records - Legend Icon does not show me there are multiple icons

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
Under Daily Climate Records data set, the legend does not indicate to me that the layer has multiple underlying datapoint types

To Reproduce

  1. Open CCCS
  2. Load Daily Climate Records dataset
  3. Change to 'Record High Max Temp' variable
  4. Click the icon beneath the data section to show the different kinds of data points

Expected behavior
I expect the layer to either show me both types of data (Record High Max / New Record High Max) OR the icon to indicate there are multiple types of data beneath


This is how the page loads. I have no visual indicator to suggest that the circle can be pressed to see different data point types like this on other maps:


I agree that it's not clear that the legend can be expanded and there is more information to display than just the red dot.

That said, we have an overlay on the application that does show this information.. so I will lower the priority on this one.
