
feature request: display list of packages

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I think it could be neat to display a virtual-scrolled list of level-0 (on package.json) dependancies and dev-dependancies of a project (with some form of seperator between them) as the main view with a message telling users they can search for any other library outside of that list at the bottom. I think this would make the UI more clear and useful at default

I can take on development of this, as I don't think it would be a huge amount of work, just wanted to run the idea past the repo first

@crutchcorn I wonder if there is a way to integrate this with favorites somehow? Like show the list of package.json packages below the favorites? I like the idea

@crutchcorn merged in #12 which should address this feature.

Sounds good. Sorry for delayed replies, father is in ICU