
Private Library version 2.x changelogs

ramtinak opened this issue · 22 comments


  • Updated to API Version [api version and signature key]
  • [Add] SendVoiceAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] SendDirectAnimatedMediaAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] Giphy api (for animated media [gif files])
  • [Add] Pigeon to requests (requires to save the session after you logged in)
  • [Add] GZip compressor for some requests
  • [Add] LauncherSyncAsync (for logins)
  • [Add] DismissSuggestionAsync to DiscoverProcessor
  • [Add] ReportHashtagMediaAsync to HashtagProcessor
  • [Add] ExploreReportAsync to DiscoverProcessor
  • [Add] GetHashtagsPostsAsync to HashtagProcessor
  • [Add] GetUsersStoriesAsHighlightsAsync to StoryProcessor [for getting multiple users highlights/stories]
  • [Add] GetMutualFriendsOrSuggestionAsync to UserProcessor
  • [Add] GetBanyanSuggestionsAsync
  • [Add] GetStoryFeedWithPostMethodAsync to StoryProcessor
  • [Add] MarkMultipleStoriesAsSeenAsync to StoryProcessor
  • [Add] ReplyToStoryAsync [text message] to StoryProcessor
  • [Add] ReplyPhotoToStoryAsync to StoryProcessor
  • [Add] HideSearchEntityAsync to DiscoverProcessor
  • [Add] GetDynamicSearchesAsync to DiscoverProcessor
  • [Add] GetSuggestionDetailsAsync to UserProcessor
  • [Add] SearchPlacesAsync(string, PaginationParameters) to LocationProcessor
  • [Add] Some new properties to InstaDirectInboxThread class
  • [Add] Some new properties to InstaMedia class
  • [Add] Some new properties to InstaFeed class
  • [Add] InstaSectionMedia class
  • [Add] InstaPost class to UserTimeline response class
  • [Add] Url property to InstaMedia class
  • [Add] ChainingSuggestions property to InstaUserInfo class
  • [Update/Bugfix] SendDirectTextAsync
  • [Update] LogoutAsync
  • [Update] GetRecoveryOptionsAsync
  • [Update] SendRecoveryByEmailAsync
  • [Update] SendRecoveryByPhoneAsync
  • [Update] GetUserTimelineFeed
  • [Update] GetSecuritySettingsInfoAsync
  • [Update] TwoFactorEnableAsync
  • [Update] ShareStoryAsync
  • [Update] GetChainingUsersAsync
  • [Update] GetHighlightFeedsAsync
  • [Update] InstaHashtag class

Are you planning to do Pust notifications in v2?

@ikasimoff Yes it's planned to add this feature, but I'm busy for next couple weeks and can't research about it.
Also if you have further questions ask it in #245 .


  • API Version updated to


  • [Add] support for StoryQuiz in InstaStoryItem class
  • [Add] support for StoryQuizsParticipantInfos in InstaStoryItem class
  • [Add] support StoryQuiz in InstaStoryUploadOptions class for uploading
  • [Add] AnswerToStoryQuizAsync to StoryProcessor


  • [Rename] ProfilePreviewMedias to PreviewMedias in InstaDirectInboxItem class [supports preview medias for hashtags, location, profiles and etc.]
  • [Bugfix] for SendDirectTextAsync
  • [Bugfix] for SendDirectPhotoAsync and SendDirectPhotoToRecipientsAsync
  • [Add] Title property to InstaPlaceholder class
  • [Add] some new properties to InstaHashtag class
  • [Add] GetHashtagsSectionsAsync to HashtagProcessor
  • [Add] public modifier to HttpHelper class
  • [Add] HttpHelper property to IInstaApi


  • [Bugfix] for DeleteSelfMessageAsync
  • [Bugfix] for GetUserTimelineFeed
  • [Update] LoginAsync
  • [Add] SendRequestsBeforeLoginAsync to IInstaApi [login flows: contact prefill, read msisdn header, launcher sync and qe sync requests]


  • [Bugfix] for ChangeProfilePictureAsync
  • [Update] LoginAsync
  • [Add] new headers
  • [Add] some new properties to AndroidDevice
  • [Dropping] support for Android v4.4 and lower in AndroidVersionList (since instagram is no longer supporting them)


  • [Update] TwoFactorLoginAsync to latest version
  • [Update] FollowUserAsync
  • [Update] UnFollowUserAsync
  • [Rename] MuteDirectThreadAsync to MuteDirectThreadMessagesAsync
  • [Rename] UnMuteDirectThreadAsync to UnMuteDirectThreadMessagesAsync
  • [Add] MuteDirectThreadVideoCallsAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] UnMuteDirectThreadVideoCallsAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] GetApiVersionType to IInstaApi
  • [Add] AcceptConsentAsync to IInstaApi [for consent_required]
  • [Add] SuggestedUserCardsItems to InstaPost class for new suggestions
  • [Add] new properties to InstaActivityFeed class
  • [Add] clarify types to InstaRecentActivityFeed class
  • [Add] support for friend request in InstaRecentActivityFeed class


  • [Bugfix] for Caption converter
  • [Update] recent activity uri
  • [Update] CommentMediaAsync
  • [Update] GetUsersStoriesAsHighlightsAsync
  • [Update] GetTopicalExploreFeed Uri
  • [Update] EditProfileAsync
  • [Update] SetBiographyAsync
  • [Update] ConfigureMediaDelay time
  • [Update] InstaExploreClusterType
  • [Change] SendDirectTextAsync response object
  • [Add] InstaLinkType for InstaLink class
  • [Add] UpdateUser to IInstaApi
  • [Add] Order support to GetUserFollowingAsync and GetUserFollowingByIdAsync
  • [Add] GetHashtagChannelVideosAsync to HashtagProcessor
  • [Add] GetExploreChannelVideosAsync to FeedProcessor
  • [Add] tiny FFmpeg wrapper for .net framework
  • [Add] SetConfigureMediaDelay to IInstaApi and IInstaApiBuilder [for setting up delay before configuring media]
  • [Add] Birthday consent support for AcceptConsentAsync function
  • [Add] UploadSegmentedVideoToTVAsync to TVProcessor [Check IGTVUploader example project]


  • [Update] signature key and API version as default
  • [Set] latest ApiVersion automatically [For disable this option just set InstaApi.LoadApiVersionFromSessionFile to TRUE, it's recommended to always be FALSE]
  • [Update] GetDirectInboxAsync uri
  • [Update] EnableMediaCommentAsync, DisableMediaCommentAsync
  • [Update] EditMediaAsync
  • [Update] ArchiveMediaAsync, UnArchiveMediaAsync, LikeMediaAsync, UnLikeMediaAsync
  • [Update] UploadAlbumAsync
  • [Update] UploadPhotoAsync
  • [Update] UploadVideoAsync
  • [Add] SendReactionToStoryAsync to StoryProcessor
  • [Add] StoryChatRequestAsync to StoryProcessor
  • [Add] CancelStoryChatRequestAsync to StoryProcessor
  • [Add] support for uploading Story Chats to InstaStoryUploadOptions class
  • [Add] StoryChats support to InstaStoryItem class
  • [Add] StoryChatRequestInfos support to InstaStoryItem class
  • [Add] SetChallenge function to IInstaApi [by @NGame1]
  • [Add] ViewerAnswer property to InstaStoryQuizStickerItem class
  • [Add] ViewerVote property to InstaStorySliderStickerItem class
  • [Add] BackgroundColor property to InstaStorySliderStickerItem class
  • [Add] some new properties to InstaDirectInboxThread class
  • [Remove] UWP support from ISessionHandler


  • [Bugfix] for facebook login with 2fa enabled
  • [Bugfix] for 2factor login
  • [Bugfix] for DeleteMediaAsync
  • [Update] GetPendingFriendRequestsAsync
  • [Update] SendDirectLinkAsync response type
  • [Update] GetSuggestedSearchesAsync Uri
  • [Update] GetShareLinkFromMediaIdAsync Uri
  • [Update] GetChannelByIdAsync, GetChannelByTypeAsync functions
  • [Add] GetSecuritySettingsInfoAsync converter [Support trusted devices]
  • [Add] RemoveTrustedDeviceAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] BrowseFeedAsync to TVProcessor
  • [Add] MarkAsSeenAsync to TVProcesser


  • Updated api key and signature and parameters to v123. and it's default now
    Also added:

  • [Bugfix] for IGBandwidthSpeedKbps generator

  • [Bugfix] for SetHttpRequestProcessor

  • [Bugfix] for converting Json

  • [Bugfix] Json response is not including (maybe in some cases) the field "phone_number" {thx to @sopranidaniele }

  • [Update] UploadStoryPhotoWithUrlAsync, UploadStoryVideoWithUrlAsync [story link]

  • [Update] IInstaLogger to prevent happening this exception: ("An asynchronous module or handler completed while an asynchronous operation was still pending.")

  • [Update] Login parameters

  • [Update] SendDirectLocationAsync, SendDirectLinkAsync

  • [Update] GetUserMedia....

  • [Update] MarkDirectThreadAsSeenAsync

  • [Update] SendDirectFelixShareAsync

  • [Update] SendDirectHashtagAsync

  • [Update] SendDirectLinkAsync

  • [Update] SendDirectLocationAsync

  • [Update] SendDirectProfileAsync

  • [Update] SendDirectProfileToRecipientsAsync

  • [Update] SendDirectTextAsync

  • [Update] ShareMediaToThreadAsync, ShareMediaToUserAsync

  • [Update] UnLikeThreadMessageAsync

  • [Update] SendDirectLikeAsync

  • [Update] SendDirectPhoto

  • [Update] SendDirectAnimatedMedia

  • [Update] LiveProcessor.CommentAsync

  • [Update] LiveProcessor.CreateAsync

  • [Update] LiveProcessor.EndAsync

  • [Update] LiveProcessor.GetHeartBeatAndViewerCountAsync

  • [Update] LiveProcessor.StartAsync

  • [Add] UnusablePassword to InstaLoginResult

  • [Add] GetRecentFollowersAsync to UserProcessor

  • [Add] DismissUserSuggestionAsync to DiscoverProcessor

  • [Add] GetThreadByParticipantsAsync to MessagingProcessor

  • [Add] CreateGroupAsync to MessagingProcessor

  • [Add] RemoveUserFromGroupAsync to MessagingProcessor

  • [Add] AddNewGroupAdminAsync to MessagingProcessor

  • [Add] RemoveGroupAdminAsync to MessagingProcessor

  • [Add] DisableApprovalForJoiningDirectThreadAsync to MessagingProcessor

  • [Add] EnableApprovalForJoiningDirectThreadAsync to MessagingProcessor

  • [Add] EndChatDirectThreadAsync to MessagingProcessor

  • [Add] Pagination to SearchPeopleAsync function

  • [Add] MarkHashtagStoryAsSeenAsync to HashtagProcessor


  • [Update] signature and api version and headers to v146.
    Also added:

  • [Update] FollowUserAsync and UnFollowUserAsync

  • [Update] LikeMediaAsync and UnLikeMediaAsync

  • [Update] GetThreadToken

  • [Update] some direct functions

  • [Update] UploadSegmentedVideoToTVAsync

  • [Add] SendDirectArEffectAsync to MessagingProcessor

  • [Add] ArEffect support to InstaDirectInboxItem class

  • [Add] ProductShare support to InstaDirectInboxItem class

  • [Add] SendDirectProductAsync to MessaginProcessor

  • [Add] LogoutSessionAsync to AccountProcessor

  • [Add] AcceptSessionAsMeAsync to AccountProcessor

  • [Add] GetLoginSessionsAsync to AccountProcessor

  • [Add] GetPendingUserTagsAsync to AccountProcessor

  • [Add] ApproveUsertagsAsync to AccountProcessor

  • [Add] DisableManualTagAsync to AccountProcessor

  • [Add] EnableManualTagAsync to AccountProcessor

  • [Add] HideUsertagFromProfileAsync to AccountProcessor

  • [Add] UnlinkContactsAsync to AccountProcessor

  • [Add] GetPendingUserTagsCountAsync to AccountProcessor

  • [Add] GetUserStoryAndLivesAsync to StoryProcessor

  • [Add] UploadSegmentedVideoAsync to MediaProcessor

  • [Add] ResizeImage to FFmpegFa class

  • [Add] MultipleAccountExample

  • [Update] IGTVUploadExample


  • [Update] signature and api version to v126.
    Also added v124.
  • [Update] Login flow functions
  • [Update] headers
    ------- FRESH LOGIN IS REQUIRED! -------


  • [Bugfix] for EditProfileAsync
  • [Bugfix] for GetCurrentUserAsync
  • [Bugfix] for #19 | revert back to v136 since v146 has login issue [for now]
  • [Bugfix] UploadPhotoAsync
  • [Bugfix] GetUserFollowersByIdAsync and GetUserFollowersAsync
  • [Bugfix] GetUserFollowingByIdAsync and GetUserFollowingAsync
  • [Bugfix] LikeMediaAsync and UnLikeMediaAsync
  • [Bugfix] AndroidDevice
  • [Add] ChallengeLoginInfo,TwoFactorLoginInfo to StateData class [Library can save/load these properties from now.]
  • [Add] GetNotificationsSettingsAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] ChangeNotificationsSettingsAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] DotNetty and Thrift as dependency
  • [Add] push notification support as PushClient in IInstaApi
  • [Add] realtime support as RealTimeClient in IInstaApi
  • [Add] GenerateMediaUploadId
  • [Add] MarkDirectVisualThreadAsSeenAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] MarkActivitesInboxSeenAsync to UserProcessor
  • [Add] MarkDiscoverMarkSuSeenAsync to UserProcessor
  • [Add] SetBirthdayAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] SetGenderAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] UserNotFound to ResponseType
  • [Add] UserNotFound check to GetFullUserInfoAsync
  • [Add] PrivateMedia to ResponseType enum
  • [Add] PrivateMedia support to GetMediaIdFromUrl
  • [Add] NoMediaMatch to ResponseType enum
  • [Add] NoMediaMatch support to GetMediaIdFromUrl
  • [Drop] support .net standard 1.3 and uwp and .net framwork v4.5.2! from now on only .NET Standard v2.0 is supported [.net framework 4.6.1 and newer | for uwp 16299 sdk and newer is supported]
  • [Support] ffmpeg for netstandard project


  • [Update] Api version and headers to v164. [it's default now]
    also added
  • [Bugfix] for v146 and newer apis Login
  • [Bugfix] for CommentMediaAsync, ReplyCommentMediaAsync
  • [Bugfix] for facebook login
  • [Bugfix] for HashtagMedia's channel converter
  • [Bugfix] for StateData class
  • [Bugfix] for GetUserFollowing's functions
  • [Update] TwoFactorLoginAsync
  • [Update] GetChallengeRequireVerifyMethodAsync
    Add ChallengeRequiredV2 to ResponseType
  • [Update] GetRequestForDownloadAccountDataAsync
  • [Update] ShareMediaToUserAsync, ShareMediaToThreadAsync
  • [Add] enc_password support [encrypted password]
  • [Add] RemoveEpisodeFromTVSeriesAsync to TVProcessor
  • [Add] AddEpisodeToTVSeriesAsync to TVProcessor
  • [Add] EditMediaAsync to TVProcessor
  • [Add] UpdateTVSeriesAsync to TVProcessor
  • [Add] DeleteTVSeriesAsync to TVProcessor
  • [Add] CreateTVSeriesAsync to TVProcessor
  • [Add] CheckOffensiveTextAsync to CommentProcessor
  • [Add] Spam property to ResultInfo class
  • [Add] CommentBlock to ResponseType
  • [Add] GetContainerType for InstaCommentContainerModuleType
  • [Add] InstaCommentContainerModuleType
  • [Add] nullable check for HashtagMedia converter


  • [Deprecate] AddToPostLiveAsync, DeletePostLiveAsync [API deprecated by Instagram]
  • [Bugfix] for serialization/deserialization in .NET 5.0
  • [Bugfix] for DM last seen
  • [Bugfix] for short comments
  • [Bugfix] for SearchPeopleAsync
  • [Rename] InstaFollowingOrderType to InstaFollowOrderType
  • [Update] UserFollowers Uri
  • [Update] GetUserFollowers functions to support OrderBy
  • [Update] GetGiphyTrendingAsync
  • [Update] SearchGiphyAsync
  • [Update] supported capabalities
  • [Update] ConfirmJoinBroadcastAsync
  • [Update] GetMediaCommentsAsync
  • [Update] GetUserStoryAndLivesAsync url
  • [Update] LikeThreadMessageAsync token
  • [Update] UploadSinglePhoto in HelperProcessor
  • [Update] InstaBroadcastCommentList class
  • [Update] GenerateUserAgent function
  • [Update] GetHashtagSection
  • [Add] TryParseAndSetUserAgent to IInstaApiBuilder
  • [Add] MarkMultipleElectionStoriesAsSeenAsync to StoryProcessor
  • [Add] GetUserTVSeriesAsync to TVProcessor
  • [Add] GetPostLiveThumbnailsAsync to LiveProcessor
  • [Add] GetTVCreationToolsAsync to TVProcessor
  • [Add] GetBytesAsync to HelperProcessor
  • [Add] AddHeader function to HttpExtensions
  • [Add] AddLiveBroadcastToTVAsync to TVProcessor
  • [Add] IsMutingReel, IsBlockingReel properties to InstaFriendshipFullStatus
  • [Add] JoinBroadcastAsync to LiveProcessor
  • [Add] ConfirmJoinBroadcastAsync to LiveProcessor
  • [Add] GetLiveTransactionToken to ExtensionHelper
  • [Add] InviteToBroadcastAsync to LiveProcessor
  • [Add] LeaveBroadcastAsync to LiveProcessor
  • [Add] BroadcastEventAsync to LiveProcessor
  • [Add] Creator to InstaAccountType
  • [Add] support for BroadcastStatusType in InstaBroadcastLiveHeartBeatViewerCount class
  • [Add] support for BroadcastStatusType in InstaBroadcastInfo class
  • [Add] SendDirectTextAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectTextToRecipientAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectLinkAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectLinkToRecipientsAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectLocationAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectLocationToRecipientsAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectProfileAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectProfileToRecipientsAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] ShareMediaToThreadAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] ShareMediaToUserAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectFelixShareAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectFelixShareToRecipientsAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectHashtagAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectHashtagToRecipientsAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectLikeAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] SendDirectLikeToRecipientsAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] MarkDirectThreadAsSeenAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] LikeThreadMessageAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] IndicateActivityAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] IsElection to InstaReelFeed class
  • [Add] notifications sample


  • [Update] Api version and headers to v180. [it's default now]
    also added v169.
  • [Deprecate] UploadStoryPhotoAsync(InstaImage, string, InstaStoryUploadOptions) (caption is deprecated, use new function)
  • [Deprecate] UploadStoryPhotoAsync(Action, InstaImage, string, InstaStoryUploadOptions) (caption is deprecated, use new function)
  • [Deprecate] UploadStoryPhotoWithUrlAsync(InstaImage, string, Uri, InstaStoryUploadOptions) (caption is deprecated, use new function)
  • [Deprecate] UploadStoryPhotoWithUrlAsync(Action progress, InstaImage image, string, Uri, InstaStoryUploadOptions) (caption is deprecated, use new function)
  • [Deprecate] UploadStoryVideoAsync(InstaVideoUpload, string, InstaStoryUploadOptions)
  • [Deprecate] UploadStoryVideoAsync(Action, InstaVideoUpload, string, InstaStoryUploadOptions)
  • [Deprecate] UploadStoryVideoWithUrlAsync(InstaVideoUpload, string, Uri uri, InstaStoryUploadOptions)
  • [Deprecate] UploadStoryVideoWithUrlAsync(Action, InstaVideoUpload, string, Uri uri, InstaStoryUploadOptions)
  • [Bugfix] for LoginWithCookiesAsync
  • [Tiny fix] for AcceptConsentAsync
  • [Tiny fix] for DebugLogger for .NET 5 and .NETCore 3.1
  • [Tiny fix] for ConfigureStoryVideoAsync
  • [Tiny fix] for ConfigureStoryVideoAsync
  • [Update] GetUserTimeFeedAsync
  • [Update] GetThreadToken
  • [Update] GetStoryToken
  • [Update] UploadStoryPhotoAsync/UploadStoryPhotoWithUrlAsync to the latest API
  • [Update] UploadStoryVideoAsync/UploadStoryVideoWithUrlAsync to support mentions and other story stuffs
  • [Update] ChangeProfilePictureAsync
  • [Update] TypingChanged in RealtimeClient
  • [Update] adding header to prevent some bugs related to different culture
  • [Add] support for .NET 5 and .NETCore 3.1
  • [Add] NextIdsToFetch to PaginationParameters
  • [Add] GetStoryFeedWithPostMethod(PaginationParameters,string) to StoryProcessor
  • [Add] SessionId to PaginationParameters
  • [Add] CreativeProcessor to IInstaApi
  • [Add] GetAssetsAsync to CreativeProcessor
  • [Add] WriteSupportedCapablititiesAsync to CreativeProcessor
  • [Add] support for RepliedToMessage to InstaDirectInboxItem
  • [Add] support for Reactions to InstaDirectInboxItem
  • [Add] IsReactionLog property to InstaActionLog
  • [Add] emoji support to InstaDirectReaction class
  • [Add] ClientFacingErrorMessage property to InstaDirectRespondPayload
  • [Add] ReplyDirectMessageAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] ForwardDirectMessageAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] EnableThreadVanishModeAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] DisableThreadVanishModeAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] SendReactionMessageAsync to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] DirectItemChanged to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] BroadcastChanged to RealtimeClient
  • [Add] ParseQueryString(string query, out string type) to HttpUtility
  • [Add] SharePreviewToFeed parameter to TVProcessor.UploadVideoAsync
  • [Add] support for uploading reels with UploadStoryVideoAsync function


  • [Bugfix] for SharePreviewToFeed
  • [Tiny fix] for IInstaApiBuilder
  • [Add] IRegistrationService and RegistrationService
  • [Add] CreateNewAccountWithPhoneNumberAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] CreateNewAccountWithEmailAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] GenerateRandomBirthday to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] GetFirstContactPointPrefillAsync to RegistrationService
  • [Add] FirstLauncherSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] FirstQeSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] CheckUsernameAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] InstaCheckEmailRegistration to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] CheckEmailAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] GetSignupConsentConfigAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] SendRegistrationVerifyEmailAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] CheckRegistrationConfirmationCodeAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] GetSiFetchHeadersAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] GetUsernameSuggestionsAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] CheckAgeEligibilityAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] GetOnboardingStepsAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] NewUserFlowBeginsConsentAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] GetMultipleAccountsFamilyAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] GetZrTokenResultAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] LauncherSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] QeSyncAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] NuxNewAccountSeenAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] GetContactPointPrefillAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] SmsVerificationCode property to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] AccountRegistrationPhoneNumber to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] CheckPhoneNumberAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] SendSignUpSmsCodeAsync to IRegistrationService
  • [Add] VerifySignUpSmsCodeAsync to IRegistrationService


  • [Tiny fix] for TVProcessor.MarkAsSeenAsync
  • [Update] InstaCommentContainerModuleType, InstaMediaContainerModuleType
  • [Add] new Reels APIs support!
  • [Add] ReelProcessor property to IInstaApi
  • [Add] UploadReelVideoAsync to ReelProcessor
  • [Add] GetReelsClipsAsync to ReelProcessor
  • [Add] GetUserReelsClipsAsync to ReelProcessor
  • [Add] MarkReelAsSeenAsync to ReelProcessor
  • [Add] SendDirectReelClipsAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] SendDirectReelClipsToRecipientsAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] GetClipsAssetsAsync to CreativeProcessor


  • [Update] api version and headers to v191.
  • [Update] LoginWithCookiesAsync to recent changes in Instagram
  • [Update] LoginAsync to recent changes in Instagram
  • [Update] LoginWithFacebookAsync to recent changes in Instagram
  • [Refactor] csrftoken usage
  • [Deprecated] following functions in IInstaApi: CheckPhoneNumberAsync, CheckUsernameAsync, SendSignUpSmsCodeAsync, VerifySignUpSmsCodeAsync, GetUsernameSuggestionsAsync, ValidateNewAccountWithPhoneNumberAsync, CreateNewAccountAsync,
  • [Deprecated] GetTimezoneOffset, SetTimezoneOffset
  • [Deprecated] GetAcceptLanguage, SetAcceptLanguage
  • [Delete] AddToPostLiveAsync, since it's deprecated
  • [Delete] DeletePostLiveAsync, since it's [Deprecated] by Instagram
  • [Bugfix] for SendTwoFactorLoginSMSAsync
  • [Bugfix] for TwoFactorLoginAsync
  • [Bugfix] for GetChallengeRequireVerifyMethodAsync UriCreator
  • [Bugfix] for GenerateUnknownUploadId
  • [Bugfix] for login issue, related to sessionid and other stuffs
  • [Bugfix] TwoFactorLoginAsync, VerifyCodeForChallengeRequireAsync, LoginWithFacebookAsync [ Fixes Logout problem ]
  • [Bugfix] for CreateNewAccountWithPhoneNumberAsync
  • [Tiny fix] for GetUserTimelineFeedAsync
  • [Tiny fix] for InstaAccountRegistrationPhoneNumber
  • [Tiny fix] for InstaDefaultResponse
  • [Tiny fix] for SetPubKeyId
  • [Update] uploadId in HelperProcessor, MediaProcessor, StoryProcessor
  • [Update] headers to use IInstaApi properties (language, locale, timezoneoffset)
  • [Update] some parameter for login
  • [Update] GetStoryPollVotersAsync
  • [Update] GetDirectInboxThreadAsync [ StoryProcessor ]
  • [Update] SendDirectFelixShareAsync [ MessagingProcessor ]
  • [Update] ShareMediaToThreadAsync [ MessagingProcessor ]
  • [Update] ShareMediaToUserAsync [ MessagingProcessor ]
  • [Update] GetUserTimelineFeedAsync [ FeedProcessor ]
  • [Update] GetMediaInsightsAsync [ BusinessProcessor ]
  • [Update] GetStoryFeedWithPostMethodAsync
  • [Update] SendRequestsBeforeLoginAsync, QeSync, LauncherSyncPrivate,
  • [Update] SendRequestsAfterLoginAsync
  • [Update] GetHighlightFeedsAsync
  • [Update] GetTopicalExploreFeedAsync
  • [Update] LikeUnlikeMediaInternal
  • [Update] CommentMediaAsync
  • [Update] LikeMediaAsync
  • [Update] MediaProcessor.UploadVideoAsync
  • [Update] TVProcessor.UploadSegmentedVideoToTVAsync
  • [Update] MediaProcessor.UploadSegmentedVideoAsync
  • [Update] GetRequestForDownloadAccountDataAsync
  • [Force] LoginAsync to reset it's loaded data
  • [Tiny update] for TryParseAndSetUserAgent
  • [Tiny Update] for HttpRequestProcessor
  • [Tiny update] for some headers
  • [Add] ChallengeVerifyMethod property to IInstaApi
  • [Add] GetDeltaChallengeAsync to IInstaApi
  • [Add] SetDeltaChallengeChoiceAsync to IInstaApi
  • [Add] VerifyDeltaChallengeAsync, SetDeltaChallengeChoiceAsync to IInstaApi
  • [Add] ResendDeltaChallengeCodeAsync to IInstaApi
  • [Add] RestrictUserAsync to UserProcessor
  • [Add] UnRestrictUserAsync to UserProcessor
  • [Add] GetRestrictedUsersAsync to UserProcessor
  • [Add] Check2FATrustedNotificationAsync to IInstaApi
  • [Add] some new properties to InstaTwoFactorLoginInfo class
  • [Add] Insta2FANotificationReviewStatus to InstaTwoFactorTrustedNotification
  • [Add] Notification to InstaTwoFactorVerifyOptions
  • [Add] EnableLoginRequestNotificationAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] DisableLoginRequestNotificationAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] ApproveNewLoginRequestAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] DenyNewLoginRequestAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] CheckNewLoginRequestNotificationAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] ReelId property to InstaStoryShare
  • [Add] title parameter to LiveProcessor.CreateAsync
  • [Add] offsetToVideoStart to LiveProcessor.GetHeartBeatAndViewerCountAsync
  • [Add] SetQuestionStatusAsync to LiveProcessor
  • [Add] EnableJoinToLiveRequestAsync, DisableJoinToLiveRequestAsync to LiveProcessor
  • [Add] ActivityNotificationClickAsync to FeedProcessor
  • [Add] DeleteActivityNotificationAsync to FeedProcessor
  • [Add] FileDebugLogger
  • [Add] retry logic to IGTV configure media operation
  • [Add] IsRestricted property to InstaFriendshipFullStatus
  • [Add] new properties to PushNotification class
  • [Add] GetRequestDelay to IInstaApi
  • [Add] SetEncryptedPasswordEncryptor to IInstaApi
  • [Add] MarkNewsInboxSeenAsync to UserProcessor
  • [Add] GetStorySliderVotersAsync to StoryProcessor
  • [Add] GetUserShoppableMediaAsync to BusinessProcessor
  • [Add] GetUserShoppableMediaByIdAsync to BusinessProcessor
  • [Add] following properties to IInstaApi: AcceptLanguage, StartupCountry, StartupCountryCode, DeviceLocale, AppLocale, MappedLocale, TimeZoneOffset
  • [Add] CheckOffensiveCaptionAsync to CommentProcessor
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetSingleCollectionAsync, GetCollectionsAsync [ CollectionProcessor ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetPendingUserTagsAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetMediaCommentsAsync, GetMediaRepliesCommentsAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to SearchPeopleAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetUserReelsClipsAsync, GetReelsClipsAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetUserShoppableMediaAsync, GetUserShoppableMediaByIdAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetStoryFeedWithPostMethodAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to BrowseFeedAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetBestFriendsAsync, GetBestFriendsSuggestionsAsync, GetBlockedUsersAsync, GetUserFollowersByIdAsync, GetUserFollowersAsync, GetSuggestionUsersAsync, GetCurrentUserFollowersAsync, GetRecentActivityFeedAsync, GetFollowingRecentActivityFeedAsync, GetUserFollowingAsync, GetUserFollowingByIdAsync, GetUserMediaAsync, GetUserMediaByIdAsync, GetUserShoppableMediaAsync, GetUserTagsAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetDirectInboxAsync, GetDirectInboxThreadAsync, GetPendingDirectAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetArchivedMediaAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetHashtagsSectionsAsync, GetHashtagChannelVideosAsync, GetRecentHashtagMediaListAsync, GetTopHashtagMediaListAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetRecentLocationFeedsAsync, GetTopLocationFeedsAsync, SearchPlacesAsync [ Overload ]
  • [Add] CancellationToken to GetExploreChannelVideosAsync, GetExploreFeedAsync, GetLikedFeedAsync, GetRecentActivityFeedAsync, GetSavedFeedAsync, GetTagFeedAsync, GetUserTimelineFeedAsync, GetTopicalExploreFeedAsync [ Overload ]
    Example updates:
  • [Update] ChallengeRequireExample for new TwoFactor authentication
  • [Update] Challenge Example to support Login notification as well
  • [Update] Challenge Example to support delta challenge
  • [Update] TwoFactorExample to support Notification Login
  • [Update] VBExample to support Notification Login
  • [Add] documentation

Set v232. as default api version
Also added these versions: v208., v206., v224.,
Bugfix for PushClient's timer
Bugfix for push notifications
Bugfix for challenge required
Bugfix for SetDeltaChallengeChoiceAsync
Tiny update for LoginAsync
Bugfix for GetHashtagStoriesAsync
Add support Clip item type in InstaDirectInboxItem class
Bugfix for RealtimeClient
Bugfix for direct reaction's timestamp
Add MusicProcessor to IInstaApi
Add GetTrendingMusicAsync to MusicProcessor
Add SearchKeywordAsync to MusicProcessor
Add BrowseMusicAsync to MusicProcessor
Add GetPlaylistAsync to MusicProcessor
Add SearchMusicAsync to MusicProcessor
Tiny update for GetDirectInboxAsync
Bugfix for realtime parsers
Add support for Story Link Sticker in InstaStoryItem class
Add support Story Link Sticker upload
Bugfix for RealtimePayload
Tiny update for PushPayload
Add MaxRetryCount to UploadReelVideo
Update InstaLoginSessionRespond class
update web urls
Bugfix for WebProcessor functions
Add SponsorTags property to InstaMedia class
Bugfix for GetUserTimelineFeedAsync
Update GetUserInfoByIdAsync and GetUserInfoByUsernameAsync
Tiny bugfix for TimezoneOffset
Add CoAuthorsProducers property to InstaMedia class
Add support for custom sticker text in StoryLinkSticker
Add support for upload CoAuthor posts in InstaImageUpload/InstaVideoUpload classes
Add AcceptCoAuthorInviteAsync to MediaProcessor
Add DeclineCoAuthorInviteAsync to MediaProcessor
Add InvitedCoAuthorsProducers property to InstaMedia class
Add GetStickerTrayAsync to CreativeProcessor
Bugfix for InstaRecentActivityConverter
Add SetupSpecificIpPort to IInstaApi
Add GetMediaLikersWithPaginationAsync to WebProcessor
Add pagination to GetPendingFriendRequestsAsync
Added Like and Unlike story
Bugfix for GetStoryFeedWithPostMethodAsync
Bugfix for giphy
Add EnableNotificationsAsync/DisableNotificationsFor8HoursAsync to AccountProcessor
Update ChangeNotificationsSettingsAsync return type
Update GetBanyanSuggestionsAsync
Update GetUsersPresenceAsync URI
Add GetUsersPresenceActiveNowAsync to MessagingProcessor
handle birthday challenge
Add support for set birthday challenge automatically
Add CheckBirthdayDeltaChallengeAsync to IInstaApi
Add supprot for XmaMediaShare in InstaDirectInboxItem
Add Hashtag reels support
Added some new activities types
Add GetUsersPresenceActiveNowAsync to MessagingProcessor
Update GetUsersPresenceAsync URI
Update GetBanyanSuggestionsAsync
Add EnableNotificationsAsync/DisableNotificationsFor8HoursAsync to AccountProcessor
Add support for Escalation Spam block challenge
Add SubmitDeltaChallengePhoneNumberAsync to IInstaApi
Update GetUserInfoByUsernameAsync
Tiny update for GetShareLinkFromMediaIdAsync
Update GetMediaCommentsAsync
Update GetMutualFriendsOrSuggestionAsync
Add GetCommentInfosAsync to CommentProcessor
Tiny update for LoginWithCookiesAsync
Add SetApiVersionInfo to IInstaApiBuilder class

v2.8.25 + logging_client_events APIs

  • [[Update]] api version and headers to v320.
    also [Add]ed,,,
  • [Add] support for logging_client_events APIs
  • [Add] SentryBlock to InstaChallengeRequireVerifyMethod
  • [Add] IsSentryBlock to ResultInfo
  • [Add] support for new story poll v2
  • [Add] support for Story reaction stciker
  • [Add] support for Story reaction sticker upload
  • [Add] AddOrUpdateBioLinkAsync/RemoveBioLinksAsync to AccountProcessor
  • [Add] BioLinks property to InstaUserInfo class
  • [Add] exclude comments parameter to GetUserMediaByIdAsync
  • [Add] support for edit reels cover in EditMediaAsync function
  • [Add] support for Bloks login
  • [Add] ProcessLoginClientDataAndRedirectAsync
  • [Add] SetAuthorizationHeaders to IInstaApiBuilder class
  • [Add] BatchOptions
  • [Add] GetWelcomeMessageAsync,GetIceBreakersAsync to MessagingProcessor
  • [Add] GetCreativeAvatarProfilePictureAsync to CreativeProcessor
  • [Add] GetAttEstationAndroidKeystoreAsync to IInstaApi
  • [Bugfix] for creating live broadcast
  • [Bugfix] for LauncherMobileConfigAsync
  • [Bugfix] for GetEncryptedPassword
  • [Bugfix] for loginasync
  • [Bugifx] for TypeaheadSearchAsync method.
  • [Tiny fix] in GetUserStoryAsync
  • [Update] EditProfileAsync
  • [Update] TryParseAndSetUserAgent in InstaApiBuilder
  • [Update] all libraries
  • [Update] GetDefaultRequest
  • [Update] SerpSearch
  • [Update] TryParseAndSetUserAgent
  • [Update] LogoutAsync
  • [Update] some headers
  • [Remove] deprecated functions from IInstaApi