
Build in Bitbucket Pipelines

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Hi, Tamás
I try to build CI in Bitbucket for my API service with Bitbucket Pipelines bitbucket-pipelines.yml file
Getting error on "go get -v" step

go get -v
../gopkg.in/rana/ora.v4/bndBfile.go:9:17: fatal error: oci.h: No such file or directory
 #include <oci.h>
compilation terminated.

Well, I understand that i need to provide oracle libraries.
But the question is, what is a minimal list of oracle files I can include to my project to run tree commands (in docker):

go get -v
go build -v
go test -v

Most probably will be nice to use whole Oracle Client, but i want to find a suitable solution

Thank you!
In bitbucket-pipelines.yml I use image golang:1.11

Use gopkg.in/goracle.v2, that's self-contained, does not need Oracle Client (only at runtime).

thank you!
Actually already make it work with external libraries.
But will add task to refactor with gopkg.in/goracle.v2