
Add Helm chart for wins upgrades

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Packages #23 into a Helm chart that supports maintaining 1 or more configuration of wins across Windows hosts in a k8s cluster.

Requirements for Testing:

  • Need to be able to specify winsConfigs that should be applied to hosts based on nodeSelectors and tolerations
  • Need to be able to upgrade wins binary alone for a set of hosts
  • Need to be able to upgrade wins config alone for a set of hosts
  • Need to be able to upgrade both wins binary and wins config in one shot
  • Need to be able to take an existing Windows cluster and successfully deploy this chart even if the processPath for wins upgrade is not whitelisted (e.g. masquerading)


Instead of requiring a user who deploys this chart to have to manually upgrade every single windows host to whitelist the path that will contain the version of wins we plan to update to, users should be able to select one option that automatically masquerades the payload of wins upgrade under another whitelisted path. That way, you can bootstrap the upgrade processPath workflow on an existing cluster as a one time step and then switch to the normal upgrade path.


  enabled: false  
  as: c:\\etc\wmi-exporter\wmi-exporter.exe 

Helm chart from dev-v2.5 repo successfully deployed and tested within the EPIC testing and Tested within Monitoring+v2+Windows+Support document.

It's compatible with windows nodes deployed on rancher:2.5.7

Installing binary and config on specific host(s) can be achieved by adding a label to node(s) like type: upgrademe and then selecting the node in wins-upgrade Values YAML form via nodeSelector: key (empty one is present in yaml):

  type: upgrademe