
菜鸟需要aishell3_wav_folder和mel_folder 里的资料

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Sorry if I am asking the repeated question as I am just a beginner.

I followed the readme until the wav2mel.py requires two folders where I believe there are training data from some other websites. I would appreciate if you could share the link for place where I can download the data, or you could email me the information via mctiew8868@gmail.com

Thank you very much.

biaobei 数据集的官方链接失效了,可以找下相关的云盘链接。aishell3可以去openslr上直接下载

我找到了另外一个,aishell-3.rar, 12.G,分成几个文件夹,整个12G都需要用到吗?

