
Trouble connecting to wifi S50 G2

torsteinelv opened this issue · 16 comments


It not possible to connect my device to wifi. Im running vacuum_2034_valetudo_re_0_10_7.pkg
After setting wifi it does not connect. tried turning 5ghz off but does not help,

Any special characters in your SSID?

No. And not in the password also.

Is there anything that i can test here? My wifi setup is Ubiquiti UniFi 6 Lite with default setup.

Do you have a long password (iirc there's a limit between 40 and 50 chars)?

The S50 only supports 2.4ghz by the way.

8 letters long password 3 long ssid.

Yes i have tried to disable 5ghz

No one knows what this is?

I can't explain why the wifi settings via valetudo re webgui aren't applied at your robot.

You can try to use mirobo tools directly to set the wifi credentials while connected to the robot ap. So you'll bypass all valetudo re logic...

Is the usb under the cover a serial console? Or do i need to connect with ssh over the wifi hotspot?

This is gen2 right?

Im running vacuum_2034_valetudo_re_0_10_7.pkg

Yes, should be Gen2 and if your successfully running 2034, it is definitely Gen2 :)

Or do i need to connect with ssh over the wifi hotspot?

You need to connect to the wifi hotspot and run python miiotools from your laptop/pc. See wiki section about the flashing. Setting the wifi credentials is another miio command...

I tried command mirobo --ip --token mytoken configure-wifi ssid password.

But I cant see my roborock on the wifi still

Tried to SSH into the roborock. and I can find the updated wifi settings. Is there any way to find any log here or do some troublesooting here?

Also i wanted to try to reinstall the valtudo re file as explained here but dpkg command is not found:

Thats wierd. Managed to connect my vacuum cleaner to a different network. So it has to be something with my network then. What i think i wierd is that this cleaner was connected to this network before the firmware upgrade. Anyone know the requirements for the network?

Anyone know the requirements for the network?

All requirements are already stated in this threat. So I suspect something is wrong with your firmware installation. Do you already consider a factory reset to have a "clean system" again and then flash the new image again?

I have loaded the firmware several times now and now it works suddently. Have no Idea why.

This case can be closed.