
Feature request: Goto coordinates / clean non-predefined zone(s)

maximweb opened this issue · 1 comments

Im entirely new to home automation, but in the last few days I found some time to root/flash my vacuum. Thanks to your amazing work, I have finally freed my Roborock S5 from the cloud.

By any chance, would it be possible to implement additional versions of go_to and zoned_cleanup for MQTT but instead of using pre-defined spots and zones it would be awesome if I could set the target coordinates without presets.

I am not very familiar with js, but I am willing to give a push request a try. As far as I understand the code, internally it already calls a goto by coordinates. I do, however, know nothing about the build process.

Should I just extend the if (msg.spot_id) with an alternative elseif (msg.coordinates) or would it be better to create a uniquely named command, such as go_to_coordinates(point) ?

all the best

I found a workaround using the REST api and defining custom rest commands in Home Assistant. See: PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card#435