
Feature request: Do not start zone cleaning automatically

eflavio opened this issue · 5 comments

I programmed my robot to clean different zones on different days of the week. I would like to start these programmed zoned cleanings manually. For this, the robot should go to a defined position and wait for me to start by pressing the cleaning button on the robot.

What's the issue here?

I'm asking for an enhancement/feature. I couldn't figure out how to label accordingly...

You could probably program the goto position for a specific day, but since the function of the hardware buttons can't be changed by valetudo, there's no way to start a zoned cleaning with them. The cleaning button will always start a full clean run.

I'm asking for an enhancement/feature. I couldn't figure out how to label accordingly...

Just adding "feature request" in the title would help.

The zoned cleaning can be stopped and resumed with the main button when it started. So a workflow could look like:

  • On day x and time t go to the defined position
  • start and immediately pause the programmed cleaning
  • the robot is starts the zoned cleaning when the main button is pushed

IMHO this sounds like a perfect job for a home automation system like HA. There you'll be able to create/program such a process with the current valetudo implementation.

The zoned cleaning can be stopped and resumed with the main button when it started.

I wasn't aware of this fact.