
Schedule Change email

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Here is another feature idea: if a schedule change is detected, either:

a) Easy: send a message to everybody that the schedule has changed and they need to double check their responses.

b) Medium : Same as (a), except include in the email which un-played games have changed. It would say something like "The schedule has changed for the game that was previously scheduled for 8/18/17 at 11:45pm. Please update your status now"

c) Medium: Same as (b) except email prompt to reconfirm games instead of a single message. If the next game changed, prompt everyone to reconfirm their response. For later games, only prompt people who had already marked responses.

d) Harder: Same as (c), but also try to match up old and new games so the prompt messages can state the changes. This might be easy if you only match games that changed times but are still on the same day. Maybe you are doing this already, because it didn't seem to lose the responses for the old game time? Perhaps it could append "(previous game time)" to any current responses for changed games, so it is visible whether someone has responded to the latest time.