
Ruby only?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Is it only meant to be an APM for Ruby or are you planning on supporting other languages like php?

Any language is support as long as you can post the data in right format. Eventually I had planned to add more but ruby is the focus right now.

Unless I am blind, the only POST example i see is for authenticating with the api and not the actual fields/value formats that can be posted.

You POST to the agent_listener. You "authenticate" at the same time using a key, along with the data.

Ah, so the ruby agent would be installed on the system i want tracked and then i could actually post data to it, which would then send data to the apm host server?

There are three pieces:

  1. This app (app_perf). This is the application that collects the data from a POST to agent_listener.
  2. The ruby APM (app_perf_rpm). This is for ruby/rails apps and collects application metrics and posts to the agent_listener automatically.
  3. The system agent (app_perf_agent). This monitors the metrics of a server and posts those automatically to agent_listener.

Anything outside of these cases, such as another language, would have to be written to post to agent listener.

Hope thats clear.

But what is the url for the agent_listener and how do we know what POST fields/value types it supports? Is this documented anywhere? As mentioned previously, it seems only the authentication is documented.

The information I have currently is listed under https://github.com/randy-girard/app_perf/blob/master/README.md#how-the-data-model-works

As noted there, I don't have data examples yet of what to submit, but if you look at the rpm or agent, you can see how the data is built up and added.