Hello, I'm Randy R. Martínez Cepeda. Software developer passionate about technology and innovation.
Hytech NexoSantiago de los Caballeros, República Dominicana
randymxd06's Stars
This project is about a pokemon game, in which it presents you with a dark silhouette and 4 options and you must choose who this silhouette belongs to, basically we are playing who that pokemon is.
This repository is made to test with different types of technologies.
This is a page I made to test the scrollreveal library, gradient css and the parallax effect of materialize.
This was my first website but this is version 2.0 because the first version was not responsive and was made with HTML and CSS, this one is made with PHP because I was learning it at the time.
This is the README.md of my Github profile in which I put things about myself, my technology stack, statistics among other relevant information about me
Repository of the Web Page Design course in INFOTEP.
This project is the frontend of the strategic module carried out for the subject of software engineering 1
This repository is about the final project of Software Engineering 1, it is a module focused on clients, so that they can place their orders from a web platform.
This repository is about a basic Flutter course that I made a long time ago from a course by Fernando Herrera
This repository is about a Git course that I took a long time ago to practice the basic Git commands.
Este repositorio se trata de un curso de React Native que realicé hace mucho tiempo de un curso de Fernando Herrera.
This repository is about a Node.js course that I took a long time ago from a course by Fernando Herrera.
This repository is about a React.js course that I took a long time ago from a course by Fernando Herrera.
This repository is to store everything that has to do with the Vue.js course by Fernando Herrera that I bought on Udemy.