
HowTo section

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Will display a grid of guides created by people (currently by people of Knotters organisation only)

Each guide will be displayed in article format containing

  • heading
  • subheading
  • main content
  • images (optional)
  • video (limited to 1, optional)
  • admirations
  • topics (author will get xp accordingly for this)
  • tags

The link to individual guides will be like knotters.org/howto/<uniquely-formatted-heading>

These guides will be browsable outside the howto section too, as horizontally scrollable strips, and also will be dominantly present in the community section.

How to proceed

  • an Article model with heading, author, draft etc. and other details

  • a Section model with foreign key relation to Article, containing image/video/paragraph/subheading

  • A user will create an article instance first, then will add section instances of each kind (video/paragraph/...)

  • By default article and its sections will be in draft state. When published by user, the article becomes public.

The pages on the client side related to "HowTo" section, to be rendered accordingly

  • "Create a new article" page for creators (will also be used as editor page for any existing article)
  • HowTo homepage with all guides and links to each
  • Single HowTo detail view with full content for each article
  • "HowTo" section in user profile to display published articles by the user

A user should be able to

  • Create an article (empty) and set heading, subheading etc.
  • Add any number of sections in the article for image/video/paragraph
  • Save the article with its sections anytime (as draft, by default), and edit anytime
  • Publish the article with its sections as a new HowTo guide on platform.

Currently the only users who should be able to create Articles must be -

  • Managers
  • People under Knotters management