
To practice and implement shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra's and Bellman's Ford) using Java

Primary LanguageJava


Dijkstra's Algorithm

Basic Introduction

  • Can handle only positive edge weights (must be greater than zero)
  • Can able to construct a shortest path tree in addition to finding a single source shortest path
  • Time complexity: O(V * log V + E); where V: vertices and E: edges
  • Greedy algorithm: Tries to find the global min with local min
  • DS: priority queue OR binary heap (min heap for shortest path)
  • Other data structures gives quadratic time complexity

Java Code

  • Class
    • Edge - weight should contain only non-zero positive values
    • Vertex
    • Graph - contains Dijkstra's algorithm method

Bellman-Ford's Algorithm

  • Slower than Dijkstra's but more robust; since this can handle negative weights
  • Run time O(V*E)
  • Relaxes all the edges at the same time for atmost V - 1 iteration, whereas Dijkstra does one-edge at a time
    • In other, there is at most V-1 edges from a source to any other node in the Graph
  • Negative edge weights can be used in some arbitrary financial situations (risk-less money) like stock markets and Forex prices


  • Initialization Phase:
    • Set the distance of source to 0
    • other vertices distances to INF
  • for at most |V-1| times, repeat
    • for all e = edges(u,v) (read as from (u) to (v))
    • update(e)
  • update(u, v):
    • distance(v) = min{distance(v), distance(u) + edge-weight(u,v)}