- 2003proHong Kong University of Science and Technology
- ChenFengYeByteDance
- cooperleong00
- DachunKaiUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- dineshdharme
- DongSkyThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- DSobscureHeptagram
- flow3rdownZhejiang Univeristy, Tencent
- fly51flyPRIS
- fritolhere
- GanjinZeroDAMO Academy
- gimpongShenzhen, China
- HYPJUDYMicrosoft Research
- jingmingzhuo
- JingyeChenMicrosoft Research Asia
- JulienSiems
- kimtth
- koalazf99Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- LinghaoChanTsinghua University
- lockon-nShanghai JiaoTong University
- LZhengismeHong Kong
- mzhaoshuaiSydney
- nekomi2
- Oran-Ac@soarsmu | @RUCAIBOX
- poorussHKU, THU
- radarFudanNUS
- REIGN12Tsinghua University
- resnantTokyo, Japan
- SinclairCoderChina
- SivilTaramResearcher @ TikTok
- stamate@Birkbeck-Computer-Science-Research
- TimothyxxxThe University of Hong Kong
- vasnt
- xszheng2020
- ztjhzNTU, UC Berkeley, @xlang-ai, @google