
Make rerun detection approach configurable

Closed this issue · 3 comments

A constant command is used so far for the detection if the tool "pdflatex" should be executed again.
How do you think about to support any other search pattern besides an English wording by default?

I suggest to use more variables for the command selection and corresponding parameters in a similar way like it is usual at other places in this make script already.

I worry about adding a lot of complexity, but you're right: "Rerun to" is English.

Does bfd8cde seem right?

I worry about adding a lot of complexity, …

It depends on the interpretation if the addition of a few make variables will result in unwanted consequences.
Are you eventually concerned about a different run time behaviour?

… "Rerun to" …

How often do you work with corresponding tools which can show an other log message at such a place?