
Actually maybe do remove those *.aux files?

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Hi, Ben! I feel pretty silly filing this, but the change in 671d7ac had an unintended consequence, at least for me: it now means that there's no "steady state" where make does nothing. Typing make now always rebuilds the paper.

Here's what's going on: the %.bbl rule depends on %.aux, which can be produced either by the -draftmode command or the main $(PDFTARGETS) rule. Before that change, the PDF rule would produce the *.aux file and then immediately delete it, so the BibTeX rule wouldn't need to run again. Now, the BibTeX rule uses the *.aux file to produce the *.bbl, then the PDF rule uses the *.bbl to produce an *.aux that's now newer than the *.bbl, and there you have it.

Would it be too ridiculous to make that .INTERMEDIATE declaration somehow optional to satisfy #24?

๐Ÿ’˜ โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ’–

The right answer is probably to write a caching webserver in PostScript to act as an up-to-dateness oracle.

I'll take a stab at this!

.aux files, back and forth, forever



Thank you, dude!